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Binary Pulsar System Acceleration Search Method and Software Improvement

  • 摘要: 毫秒脉冲星对引力波探测、太空导航等具有重要意义。通过引证ATNF(Australia Telescope National Facility)数据库,指出双星系统与毫秒脉冲星存在密切关系。分析了500m口径球面射电望远镜(Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope,FAST)早期科学数据中心脉冲双星搜索能力的现状,目前Ransom版本的加速度搜索算法虽在中央处理器上进行了高度优化,但在庞大的数据量下,仍十分耗费算力。首先概述脉冲双星及轨道运动对信号处理带来的影响,然后引出相应的搜索技术及原理,为提高脉冲双星的搜索效率,利用并行化技术编写程序对图形处理器的加速度搜索进行优化。结果表明,使用不同频率漂移的宽度范围zmax参数对不同.dat文件进行处理,速度均有明显提高。


    Abstract: Millisecond pulsars are of great significance to gravitational wave detection and space navigation. We point out that the binary star system is closely related to the millisecond pulsar by citing the ATNF database. We analyze the search capabilities of binary pulsar system in early scientific data center. Although the current version of the accelsearch is highly optimized on CPU, it still consumes computing power under the huge amount of FAST data. We summarize the impact of orbital motion in binary pulsar system firstly, and then introduce the search technology. We write programs to optimize the GPU version of the acceleration search in order to improve the search efficiency. Our benchmark shows that using different zmax parameters to process different.dat files has significantly improved the speed.


