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Finite Element Analysis of Wheel-on-track Rolling Contact for Large Aperture Radio Telescope

  • 摘要: 通过显式有限元法建立轮轨滚动接触模型,用于分析110m口径射电望远镜滚轮经过焊缝时的应力变化。建模时不仅考虑焊缝处材料的差异,同时还考虑轨道焊缝处表面不平度和摩擦系数的影响,分析了滚轮经过轨道焊缝时轮轨间作用力的瞬态响应。采用层级细分技术对轮轨模型进行网格划分,静力学分析结果表明模型求解精度较高。将网格划分模型用于瞬态分析发现,焊缝处表面不平度对轮轨间作用力影响较大,使轮轨间米赛斯(Mises)应力增加了约20%,可能对轨道长期可靠服役带来一定的隐患,因此,需要定期对轨道的状态进行检测与维护,保障轨道的长期可靠服役。


    Abstract: Based on wheel-on-track rolling contact model which is established by explicit finite element method, the stress variation about the wheel of 110-meter aperture radio telescope passing through the welding joint is analyzed. When modeling, not only the material difference at the welding joint, but also the influence of the flatness and friction coefficient at the track welding joint are considered. According to the model, when the wheel passing through the welding joint, the transient response of the force between wheel and track is analyzed. The hierarchical subdivision technology is used to preprocess the wheel-on-track model, and the results of static analysis show that the model has high precision. The transient analysis results show that, the Mises stress is increased by about 20% due to the track flatness, which may bring some hidden danger to the track's long-term reliable service. Therefore, it is necessary to inspection and maintenance the status of the track regularly to ensure the long-term reliable service characteristics of the track.


