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Performance Analysis of China Regional Aviation Service of MSAS

  • 摘要: 在介绍国际星基增强系统(Satellite-Based Augmentation System,SBAS)发展现状的基础上,梳理分析了日本多功能卫星增强系统(Multi-Functional Satellite Augmentation System,MSAS)的发展历程与当前服务能力。分析发现,多功能卫星增强系统的服务区域能够覆盖我国东部地区。阐述多功能卫星增强系统电文类型和民航用户定位保护级计算方法后,通过飞行试验对其在我国东部区域的实际服务性能进行了评估。评估结果表明,在我国东部地区,多功能卫星增强系统增强定位精度优于LPV-250指标要求(水平16 m,垂直20 m);非精密进近(Non-Precision Approach,NPA)可用性、连续性均达到100%;用户保护级水平满足完好性指标要求。多功能卫星增强系统在我国东部地区有效的增强定位与完好性保障能力,地区相关用户依据自身需要使用该服务;同时,多功能卫星增强系统基于本土有限的监测站实现了服务区域的扩展,也为我国北斗星基增强系统(Bei Dou Satellite-Based Augmentation System,BDSBAS)服务范围的扩展和服务性能的提升提供参考。


    Abstract: Based on the introduction of the development of the international SBAS, this paper analyzes the development and service performance of MSAS. It is found that the service area of MSAS can cover the eastern region of China. After describing the MSAS message type and the calculation method of civil aviation user positioning and protection level, the actual service performance in the eastern region of China is evaluated through the actual flight test. The evaluation results show that in eastern China, the positioning accuracy of MSAS is better than that of LPV-250 (16 m horizontally and 20 m vertically); NPA availability and continuity reach 100%; the user protection level meets the integrity requirements. MSAS has effective enhanced positioning and integrity-assurancing capability in eastern China, so that relevant users in the region can use the service according to their own needs; at the same time, MSAS has realized the expansion of service area based on its limited local monitoring stations, which also provides a reference for the expansion of BDSBAS service area and the improvement of service performance in China.


