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Research and Assessment on Key Issues of ICAO SARPs for BeiDou Navigation Satellite System

  • 摘要: 为促进全球卫星导航系统(Global Navigation Satellite System,GNSS)在国际航空领域的应用,国际民航组织(International Civil Aviation Organization,ICAO)正在开展面向北斗卫星导航系统(BeiDou Navigation Satellite System,BDS)、美国全球定位系统(Global Positioning System,GPS)、俄罗斯格洛纳斯系统(GLONASS)、欧洲伽利略系统(Galileo)标准与建议措施(SARPs)的研究、验证与升级工作。北斗卫星导航系统自2010年启动标准化工作以来,历时11年,参加了50余次技术会议,提交了90余份、千余页技术文件,涉及2 000余项问题,关闭了189项验证指标。重点围绕时间与坐标基准、射频信号特征、空间信号性能等北斗标准国际化推进过程中的重点问题开展论述。北斗时(BeiDou Time,BDT)与国际协调世界时(Universal Time Coordinated,UTC)的偏差保持在50 ns以内(模1 s),北斗坐标系与ITRF-2014之间的差异不超过3 cm;对北斗民用信号落地电平、信号质量、抗干扰能力进行了分析和验证,构建了北斗空间信号畸变模型;最后,明确了北斗在国际民航组织标准与建议措施框架下的服务性能定义和计算方法,并利用系统实际数据验证北斗系统空间信号的性能均满足设计指标要求。以上的分析、模型与验证结果表明,北斗系统具有良好的时空兼容与互操作基础,射频信号质量高、抗干扰能力强,相关内容满足指标要求,能够提供面向国际航空领域的高安全、高完好性导航服务,已写入国际民航组织北斗卫星导航系统标准与建议措施,为我国北斗系统国际化及民航领域推广应用奠定了良好的理论、标准及验证基础。


    Abstract: To promote the application of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) in the international aviation field, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is carrying out the research, verification and upgrading of Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) for Beidou Navigation Satellite System (BDS), GPS, Galileo and GLONASS. Since 2010, BDS has started the ICAO standardization work, which has lasted for 11 years. It has participated in more than 50 technical discussions, submitted more than 90 technical documents with more than 1 000 pages, answered more than 2 000 questions, and closed 189 verification indicators. Since BDS involves a lot of work at the level of ICAO SARPs, this paper focuses on the time and coordinate reference, radio-frequency signal characteristics, signal-in-space performance which are the key indicators in the process of the internationalization of BDS standards. The deviation between BDT and UTC shall be kept within 50 ns (model 1 s), and the difference between BDCS and ITRF-2014 shall not exceed 3 cm; the ground level, signal quality and anti-interference ability of BDS civil signal are analyzed and verified, and the BDS spatial signal distortion model is constructed; finally, the service performance definition and calculation method of BDS under the framework of ICAO SARPRs are clarified, and the actual system data are used to verify that the spatial signal performance of BDS meets the design index requirements. The above analysis, model and verification results show that BDS has good space-time compatibility and interoperability foundation, high RF signal quality and strong anti-interference ability, relevant contents meet the index requirements, and can provide high safety and high integrity navigation services for the international aviation field, which has been written into ICAO BDS SARPS. It has laid a good theoretical, standard and verification foundation for the internationalization of BDS and the promotion and application in the field of civil aviation.


