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天马13 m射电望远镜高精度指向模型的建立

The High Precision Pointing Model Establishment of Tianma 13 m Radio Telescope

  • 摘要: 天马13 m射电望远镜是专为空间大地测量的新一代甚长基线干涉测量(Very Long Baseline Interferometry,VLBI)天线,即VGOS (VLBI Global Observing System)系统。VGOS观测将从调度、相关、观测策略到分析各方面改变甚长基线干涉测量。与传统测地观测相比,VGOS观测将数据精度提高1~2个数量级。天马13 m射电望远镜安装了3~15 GHz宽频制冷接收机,一般要求天线指向偏差小于最高频率波束宽度的1/10。为满足高精度指向要求,详细介绍了建立指向的方法和天线控制扫描策略,给出了系统误差修正模型的完全表达式,明确了指向修正模型中的参数意义。基于该天线指向扫描的实测数据,实测评估了望远镜的指向精度。采用最小二乘法对覆盖全天区的数据样本进行拟合,得到天马13 m射电望远镜指向模型,并加载到天线伺服控制系统进行验证,得到了优于10″的盲指误差。


    Abstract: The Tianma 13 m radio Telescope is a new generation of VLBI antennas designed for space geodesy, the so-called VGOS system. VGOS observing will change all aspects of VLBI, from scheduling, correlation, observing strategy, to analysis.Compared to current observing, a typical VGOS session will have 1-2 orders of magnitude more data. Tianma 13 m antenna is equipped with a 3-15 GHz broadband refrigeration receiver. The antenna pointing deviation is generally required to be less than 1/10 of the HPBW. In order to meet the requirement of high precision pointing, in this paper, the method of pointing establishment and antenna control scanning strategy are introduced in detail. The complete expression of the system error correction model is given, and the meaning of the parameters in the model is clarified. Based on the measured data of the antenna pointing scan, the pointing accuracy of the telescope is evaluated. The least square method is used to fit the data samples covering the all-sky region, and the pointing model of the Tianma 13 m radio telescope is obtained. The model is loaded into the antenna servo control system for verification, and the blind finger error of the tianma 13 m radio telescope is better than 10 arc seconds.


