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Solar Radio Observing and Simulation of Shadowing Effect

  • 摘要: 遮挡效应是多天线复杂系统设计一个重要考虑因素。国家重大科技基础设施项目子午工程二期建设完成后,明安图台站各类天线总数将达到373套。受限于测试场地、模型复杂度和计算量,特别是对电大尺寸障碍物的遮挡效应通常很难实测和预测。明安图台站太阳射电望远镜(Mingantu Solar Radio Telescope,MST)在2017~2020年S,C和X频段的观测数据显示了以20 m天线和远方丘陵为障碍物的遮挡效应,并可以分为天线、大气和丘陵3个不同特性区域。基于ITU-R P.526-15建议书单刃峰绕射损耗预测方法,进行20 m天线反射面仿真建模和近似计算。观测和仿真结果显示,绕射损耗随频率变化趋势基本一致,遮挡效应与波长、障碍物特性及其相对源和接收天线的距离和角度、接收设备的天线波束和动态范围等有关。


    Abstract: Shadowing effects is one of the main consideration factors in designing complex system with multiple antennas. There will be 373 sets of antennas in Mingantu Station, after completing the construction of the program Meridian II equipment of National Major Science and Technology Infrastructure. Limited by test site, model complexity and computation, shadowing effect is usually hard to measure and to predict especially for electrically large-size structures. The observed solar radio data on S/C/X bands between 2017 and 2020 by MST (Mingantu Solar Radio Telescope), present the shadowing effect with the 20 m antenna and remote hills as obstacles. The observed data with shadowing effect can be divided into antenna area, atmosphere area and hill area with different shadowing characteristics. Based on the prediction method of single knife-edge diffraction loss recommended by ITU-R P.526-15, a model of 20 m antenna reflector is built, the shadowing effects on S/C/X-bands are simulated, and the results show good agreement with those of observation. From simulation and observing results, shadowing effects are related with wavelength, obstacle character, distance and angle among obstacle, source and receiving antenna, the receiving antenna's beam, and dynamic range of receiving system, etc.


