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An improved non-uniform fast Fourier transform method for radio imaging of coronal mass ejections

  • Abstract: Radioheliographs can obtain solar images at high temporal and spatial resolution, with a high dynamic range. These are among the most important instruments for studying solar radio bursts, understanding solar eruption events, and conducting space weather forecasting. This study aims to explore the effective use of radioheliographs for solar observations, specifically for imaging coronal mass ejections (CME), to track their evolution and provide space weather warnings. We have developed an imaging simulation program based on the principle of aperture synthesis imaging, covering the entire data processing flow from antenna configuration to dirty map generation. For grid processing, we propose an improved non-uniform fast Fourier transform (NUFFT) method to provide superior image quality. Using simulated imaging of radio coronal mass ejections, we provide practical recommendations for the performance of radioheliographs. This study provides important support for the validation and calibration of radioheliograph data processing, and is expected to profoundly enhance our understanding of solar activities.


