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The Tianma 65 m radio telescope at Shanghai

  • Abstract: The Shanghai Tianma 65 m radio telescope (TMRT) is a large, fully rotatable radio telescope with multiple scientific purposes. The main body of the telescope and four low-frequency receiving systems, including L, C, and S/X bands, were completed between 2008 and 2012. From 2013 to 2017, four high-frequency receiving systems, including Ku, K, Ka, and Q bands, were constructed and their performance was comprehensively tested. There are three main innovations. (1) A fully movable large radio telescope system with advanced performance and complete functions has been built. (2) An advanced, reliable main reflector adjustment system has been completed, overcoming gravity deformation and creating a large antenna with a main reflective surface accuracy of 0.28 mm (root mean square) for any elevation. (3) Five innovative technologies have been developed to achieve high-precision pointing in any direction within 3″. The TMRT has made a crucial contribution to the orbital measurement and positioning of China’s lunar and deep space probes. Significantly enhancing China's ability to participate in international VLBI observations and radio astronomy, this has facilitated a series of achievements in observational radio astronomical research, in areas such as VLBI, spectral lines, and pulsars.


