Deployment and Testing of Pulsar Data Processing Software Based on Container
With the rapid development of astronomical observation technology, astronomical data processing software has become increasingly complex, and it is challenging to deploy the software environment. Container technology is used for packaging the pulsar data processing environment to images by applying hierarchical encapsulation. According to the data processing requirements, a private library of images is established, and the users can select the images according to the data processing mode. The hardware environment, the traditional virtual machine environment, and the container environment perform coherent dedispersion for pulsar baseband data. The resource utilization and data processing efficiency of different platforms are compared. Experimental results show that the performance of the container is similar to the physical machine. In multi-threaded parallel processing, the resource allocation of the container is more reasonable and can improve the efficiency of service resource utilization. The container-based data processing architecture is implemented on Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory pulsar data processing server, and the container management graphical user interfaces are designed and developed. Through optimizing functions such as multi-user login, authentication and data volume mount, the efficiency of astronomical data processing using container technology is improved.