The Development of the YTI—ATV Time Code Inserter
Graphical Abstract
In the CCD image recording of the satellite observation, It is very important to insert some information into the recording image in order to save, look up and process the image. The YTI-ATV time code inserter introduced in this paper has been developed for the application. In the instrument, there is a digital clock auto-synchronized within 1μs with respect to the input in second from the rear panel. The recorded date includes year, month and day. The pricision of the recorded time is 10μs, and the pricision of the recorded telescope position(A,h) is 1". These inform ation recorded are all inser ted into the recorded image with two forms so that they can be looked up or fast readed out for the image processing. The principle and application of the YTI-A are also described in this paper.