The Longitude Distribution of Newly-Emerged Sunspots
Graphical Abstract
A statistical investig ation on the observational data in 522 solar rotation cycles is given in this paper. The occurrence rates of the new ly-emerged sunspots on the solar disk vary with different individual solar rotation cycles.228 groups with areas CY ≥500 and 29 groups with areas CY ≥1200 are selected. It is found that they present a concent ration in terms of longitude and drift with time. Their time distribution shows no regularity. Compared with the counterparts in Solar Cycle 21st and 22nd, it is found that the new ly-emerged sunspots which correspond to AR81280 and AR92300, specifically, the AR82533, which comes from AR82495, are related w ith the st rongest active region. This indicates that there is no fixed active sources for the big new ly-emerged sunspots.