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Li Zhikai, Li Zhi. The CCD System for Receiving and Processing the High-Resolution Solar Photospheric Images at Yunnan Observatory[J]. Publications of the Yunnan Observatory, 1998, (2): 16-22.
Citation: Li Zhikai, Li Zhi. The CCD System for Receiving and Processing the High-Resolution Solar Photospheric Images at Yunnan Observatory[J]. Publications of the Yunnan Observatory, 1998, (2): 16-22.

The CCD System for Receiving and Processing the High-Resolution Solar Photospheric Images at Yunnan Observatory

  • A CCD system for receiving and processing the high resolution solar photospheric images has been constructed and at tached to the 26cm High-Resolution Vacuum Solar Photospheric and Chromospheric Telescope at Yunnan Observ atory. In this paper its overall performance, hardware disposition, additional optics and software are discribed. The results of it s technical examination and test operation are also presented. Some of the perfections and improvements of the system in the future are also proposed. This CCD image system may play an active role in the observation and research on the fine structure of the solar pho tosphers during the solar cycle 23.
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