Theory of Solar P-mode Oscillation
Graphical Abstract
The last decade has witnessed a revolution in our know ledge about the interior of the Sun through the development of helioseismology.By analyzing observed frequencies of solar oscillations, it has been possible to obtain detailed info rmation about many aspects of the properties of the Sun. and of the phy sics of matter in the solar interior.As a simplification, it is previously assumed that the oscillations are adiabatic. hence those effects of nonadiabatic and those processes that exciteor damp the modes are neglected.How ever these processes also have significant effects on the oscillation f requencies. and the detailed knowledge about the interaction betw een the oscillations and the turbulence near the solar surface is lacked.Major efforts are currently under way to improve the discrepancy between theo retically calculated and actually observed solar P -mode f requencies, to solve the problem of excitation of solar P -modes.It is a fact that nonadiabatic pulsat ion investigations will probably remain a very active field in this research.