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C. P. Celebre, M. Sc. The Necessity of a High-grade Telescope for Education and Future Research Activities in the Philippines[J]. Publications of the Yunnan Observatory, 1999, (S1): 103-108.
Citation: C. P. Celebre, M. Sc. The Necessity of a High-grade Telescope for Education and Future Research Activities in the Philippines[J]. Publications of the Yunnan Observatory, 1999, (S1): 103-108.

The Necessity of a High-grade Telescope for Education and Future Research Activities in the Philippines

  • Ast ronomy has been practiced in the Philippines for the past century.However, the study of celestial objects in the country is confined to its observation and publication of data.There is no course in astrnonmy in the tertiary level while it is briefly covered in the general science curriculum of the elementary and high schools in the country.No serious research activity has been conducted primarily due to lack of necessary research instruments such as a high-grade telescope and the required formal education or training of staff in ast ronomy to perform such an activity. The possible do nation of a 45cm hig h-grade telescope with its accessories by the government of Japan, through its Cultural Grant-aid Program, to the Philippines will upgrade the capability of the Ast ronomical Observatory of the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophy sical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA)to observe and study astronomical objects and phenomena.Likew ise, it will improve services in the promotion of the science of astronomy in the country, especially in education and training of science teachers.
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