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Y. D. Park, U. W. Nam, Y. J. Moon, H. Y. Kim. Development of a Multi KD* P Controller[J]. Publications of the Yunnan Observatory, 1999, (S1): 109-113.
Citation: Y. D. Park, U. W. Nam, Y. J. Moon, H. Y. Kim. Development of a Multi KD* P Controller[J]. Publications of the Yunnan Observatory, 1999, (S1): 109-113.

Development of a Multi KD* P Controller

  • We have developed a new multi-KD* Pcontroller which enables us to cont rol the high voltage input and three KD*Ps power supply simultanenously for the Solar Flare Telescope (SOFT)in Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory (BOAO).The new KD*P controller permits a very short switching time as well as a stable of electric power supply, making it possible to obtain multiple framesin a single phase of high voltage.Here we have used a 80C196KC microprocessor and three high voltage modules. The rising and falling time of output pulses generated from the new controller is found to be less than 10-3 sec and the power supply stability is maintained within accuracy of less than 0.1%.The period of a single phase voltage is controlled by user in the range of 0.03sec to 3 seconds.The number of integ rated image f rames is also set by user up to 256 frames.The present system can be readily utilized to control a wider range of high voltage power by simply modifying software.
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