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Boonrucksar Soonthornthum, Sumith Niparugs, Aniwat Sooksawat, Wim Nhuerpeng. Physical Properties of an Eclipsing Binary System, YY Eridani[J]. Publications of the Yunnan Observatory, 1999, (S1): 382-385.
Citation: Boonrucksar Soonthornthum, Sumith Niparugs, Aniwat Sooksawat, Wim Nhuerpeng. Physical Properties of an Eclipsing Binary System, YY Eridani[J]. Publications of the Yunnan Observatory, 1999, (S1): 382-385.

Physical Properties of an Eclipsing Binary System, YY Eridani

  • Photometric observations of an eclipsing binary system, YY Eridani were done in blue (B) and yellow (V)wavelength bands and, finally, the light curve in each wavelength band was const ructed. Orbital elements and physical properties of YY Eridani have been calculated using observational data of Binnendijk (1965)and authors have developed Wilson-Devinney technique in analyzing the best solution of this eclipsing binary system.More physical parameterseg:orbital inclination, gravity darkening exponent, effective temperature, gravitational potential etc.of each component were calculated in this research for the best solution of YY Eridani. Synthetic light curves which were const ructed from the best solution are in good correspondence with observational light curves of Binnendijk.When comparing with observational lig ht curves obtained from this research, it was found that there exist the phase shift of 0.1.It is possible that phy sical properties of YY Eridani have been changed due to the rotation of its major axis or mass transfer mechanism of the system.
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