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YangZhigen. A Possible Interpretation to Venusian Rotation Evolution[J]. Publications of the Yunnan Observatory, 1999, (S1): 475-479.
Citation: YangZhigen. A Possible Interpretation to Venusian Rotation Evolution[J]. Publications of the Yunnan Observatory, 1999, (S1): 475-479.

A Possible Interpretation to Venusian Rotation Evolution

  • In this paper, the author estimated the long acceleration of Venusain rotation caused by theboth torques, the New of the solar gravitation tide, and the Fatmo of the zonal wind of atmospheric circulation of Venus which has been measured by the Pioneer Venus and Venera probes. Taking the Primordial period of anticlockwise rotation of Venus T0 = 15 hours, the quality factor Q = 25.0, the latitude range of the atmospheric circulation is equal to ±70°, and the data of the average wind speeds and the average atmospheric densities in different atmospheric stratification are taken from the height between 0 and 100km.Thus, the total rotation rate of Venus can be expressed as Ω(T) = 1293"+ δ·18560"sin (4.°58 T0/T)/ century2, where δi= +1 for Venusian anticlockw ise rotation, δi =-1 for Venusian clockwise ro tation, T is the rotation period with unit of hour.It can be estimated that:(1)the time of evolution from quick anticlockwise rotation to the period of orbital motion today with same direction is aboutt1 = 38.5×108 year;(2)changing from anticlockwise rotation with period of 224.7 days to 243 days clockwise today, the timet2 is equal to 3.1×107 year;(3)when theNew appreoximates to the Fatmo with opposite direction, the time will be estimated experimentally aboutt3 = 10.4×109 year.It is impossible to interpret the rotation evolution of Venus by using the New only.
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