Two New 3-Bands Solar Radio Polarimeters and Spaceweather
Geng Lihong,
Tan Chengming,
Dun Jinping,
Zhang Hong,
Jia Yanhui,
Yan Yihua,
Chen Zhijun,
Ma Suli,
Liu Donghao,
Du Jing,
Su Cang
Graphical Abstract
It is an important method of space weather predictor to monitor the solar flux continuously in long-term with the ground-based solar radio telescopes. Solar flux is one of the most useful observable indexes for predicting kinds of turbulence occurred on the earth excited by the sun activities and solar ultraviolet radiation. It represents the solar total activity level, especially the 10.7cm solar flux, which has long been used as solar activity index since 1960s. With the financial support of NSMC (National Satellite Meteorological Center) and NAOC (National Astronomical Observatories), two new 3-band radio telescopes used to monitor the solar flux on three wavelengths (10.7cm, 6.6cm and 3.3cm) have been set up in 2016 December in Mingantu Observatory of NAOC in Inner Mongolia province and in Tashkurghan in Xinjiang province. The two telescopes, named MST and TST separately, each consisting of a 3-m size diameter parabolic antenna, 2-10GHz wide band two-polarization feed, a constant temperature front-end box, will give more time coverage to observe the sun with the distance between the two sites about 5000km and 2.67 hours zone away. Constant temperature of the front-box helps to keep the system stability, especially in Mingantu and Tashkurghan the weather changes severely from hour to hour. After calibrated, data sets of fits format will be uploaded automatically everyday through the internet to the data reduction center of NSMC, used as space weather monitoring data. Double noise sources method is first adopted in system calibration.The system stability is better than 1% in over 10 hours, system sensitivity is better than 1s.f.u., with Δf=10MHz and Δt=0.1s. The electromagnetic environment of MAT is much better than that of TST. In 2017, MST has gotten some preliminary results. In 2018, more efficient data can be expected, and further work will be done in system calibration and system stability testing and analyzing.