Measurement Set File Generating Method Based on Python-casacore
Graphical Abstract
Measurement Set (MS) is an important file format in the field of radio astronomy for data storage, analysis and sharing. It is supported by several important astronomical data processing software, ALMA and LOFAR, for example. However, for a long time, the MS format has been used less frequently in China. This article introduces the basic concepts, directory structure, and field design of the MS format. Based on this, it discusses the method of using MS-casacore to call the underlying Casacore to generate MS files, and integrates the implementation program into the radio astronomy simulation calibration imaging library (Radio Astronomy Simulation, Calibration and Imaging Library,RASCIL) for generating simulated observation MS files. The MS files are imported into CASA (Common Astronomy Software Applications, CASA) software and the correctness gets verified. The work satisfies the requirements of the SKA engineering bridging stage and also provides key guarantees for the subsequent imaging experiments, observation simulations, and file storage.