Ti LUAN, Ming Chan WU, Zhi Kai LI, Zhi LI. High Temporal Resolution Hα and Off-band Observation on 2B/X1.3 Flare of AR 5047 on June 24,1988[J]. Publications of the Yunnan Observatory, 1989, (S1): 57-61.
Citation: Ti LUAN, Ming Chan WU, Zhi Kai LI, Zhi LI. High Temporal Resolution Hα and Off-band Observation on 2B/X1.3 Flare of AR 5047 on June 24,1988[J]. Publications of the Yunnan Observatory, 1989, (S1): 57-61.

High Temporal Resolution Hα and Off-band Observation on 2B/X1.3 Flare of AR 5047 on June 24,1988

Funds: This work was supported by the Program of 22 MAX Global Character Research of Solar-Terrestrial System under Contract 87-64-01-202 and by Chinese NSF under Contract 91-87-006-02.
More Information
  • Published Date: October 30, 1989
  • The AR 5047 was the first target active region during the Coordinated Observation Interval Ⅲ (June-July 7, 1988). There were several small flares observed before June 22. But four Xclass flares erupted only in two days of 23th and 24th. Two of them, the 1B/X1.6 flare at 0923 UT on June 23 and the 2B/X1.3 flare at 0422 UT on June 24, were observed by 26cm Solar Telescope at Yunnan Observatory. And the observation of the 2B/X1.3 flare was carried out in Hα and off-band ±0.5Å,±0.75Å,±1.0Å with high resolution(5sec). The time development series of the flare and the sunspot fine struture are shown in Figure 2.
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