Identifications and Astrometric Positions of 49 Post-Novae and Cataclysmic Variables
Liu Xingde, Li Jing
1984, 0(1): 1-18.
Abstract PDF
An Autocollimation Method of Measuring the Level Error of the Horizontal Axis of A Meridian Instrument
Mao Wei, Fan Yu, Li Zhiming
1984, 0(1): 19-22.
Abstract PDF
Results of Absolutely Determing the Instrument Constant e and the Azimuth by Observing the Prime Vertical
Li Hua, Hu Xiaochun, Du Minghuei
1984, 0(1): 23-32.
Abstract PDF
Refitment of A Transit Instrument and the Tested Results
Fan Yu, Li Zhiming
1984, 0(1): 33-37.
Abstract PDF
A Method for Testing and Measuring the Flexure of the Tube of the Low-Latitude Meridian Circle
Fan Yu, Mao Wei, Li Zhiming
1984, 0(1): 38-42.
Abstract PDF
An Approach to the Warning of Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances(SID) by Means of the Observations of Solar Microwave Bursts
Xie Ruixiang
1984, 0(1): 43-54.
Abstract PDF
Some Characteristics of the Slowly Varying Sources Producing Proton Events During Cycle 21
Ma Yuan
1984, 0(1): 55-60.
Abstract PDF
The Calculation and Real Time Correction of the Atmospheric Refraction During the Radio Observation of the Solar Eclipse on 1980 Feb.16
Ji Shuchen, Liu Shuang
1984, 0(1): 61-72.
Abstract PDF
The Integrated Photoelectric Photometer System Used with A Microcomputer
Yang Yulan, Lu Li, Liu Qineyao, Wang Bi
1984, 0(1): 73-78.
Abstract PDF
The Test Repost on the Principal Performance of Some Parts of An Integrated Photometer
Lu Li, Yang Yulan, Wang Bi, Liu Qingyao
1984, 0(1): 79-84.
Abstract PDF
Report on the Test Observation of An Integrated Photoelectric Photometer
Liu Qingyao, Yang Yulan, Lu Li, Wang Bi
1984, 0(1): 85-92.
Abstract PDF
The Optimumly Usable Width of the Slit of A Coude Spectrograph and the Selection of Its Major and Minor Collimators
Wu Guangjie
1984, 0(1): 93-97.
Abstract PDF
On the Electomagnetic Interference of A Resources Satellite Ground Station and the Measurement
Liu Yisong
1984, 0(1): 98-110.
Abstract PDF
A Further Discussion of VGM Theory in the Isotropic Coordinate System
Wen Daoyou
1984, 0(1): 111-118.
Abstract PDF
Two photographs of IRAS-Araid-Alcock comet-1983d were taken with the SBG camera of the Yunnan Observatory on May 9 and May 10,1983,respectively.
1984, 0(1): 119-120.
Abstract PDF