Preliminary Approach to the Connection Between the Optical and Radio Reference Systems
Li Yongsheng, Su Bumci
1990, 0(2): 1-5.
Abstract PDF
Preliminary Approach to the Plate Motion by Means of LLR Data
Li Jinling, Nic Zhaoming, Jin Wenjing
1990, 0(2): 6-12.
Abstract PDF
Correlation Between the SPA of LF Skywaves and the Solar X-ray Events
Chen Xiaojuan
1990, 0(2): 13-17.
Abstract PDF
Quantitative Calculation of the Velocity Field of the Loop Prominence System of 1984 February 18
Gu Xiaoma, Lin Jun, Li Qiusha
1990, 0(2): 18-27.
Abstract PDF
Main Points of the Method of Data Analyses of the Radio Observation of A Solar Eclipse
Liu Yan, Ji Shuchen
1990, 0(2): 28-39.
Abstract PDF
The Smallest Radius of the Compact Object with Charges and Magnetic Moments
Xic Guangzhong, Fan Junhui
1990, 0(2): 40-43.
Abstract PDF
An Effective Method for Treating the Blanketing Effect of A Non-LTE Line
Wu Guanqian
1990, 0(2): 44-50.
Abstract PDF
Line Shift and Broadening Caused by the Gravity Bending of the Cassegrain Spectrograph
Wu Guangjic, Shi Wcnming, Li Yujan, Qin Songnian
1990, 0(2): 51-59.
Abstract PDF
Some Problems on the Spectral Observation Made with the CCD System
Gao Cai, Qin Songnian
1990, 0(2): 60-63.
Abstract PDF
Automatic Operation System for Time and Frequency Services in the Clock Room
Zhou Jiguang, Zhang Pingkuan
1990, 0(2): 64-68.
Abstract PDF
Design of the Backlash Eliminator of the 10-Meter Radio Telescope
Du Hong, Wang Jingsheng
1990, 0(2): 69-73.
Abstract PDF
A Brief Introduction of the Speed Regulator System of the 10-m Radio Telescope
Li Weihua, Shi Shuobiao
1990, 0(2): 74-79.
Abstract PDF
A Brief Introduction to the Research on the Quasi-Periodic Pulsations in the Solar Microwave Bursts
Gong Yuanfang, Shang Qiongzhen, Lu Songquan, Hu Hanming, Yang Rongbang
1990, 0(2): 80-81.
Abstract PDF