Discussion Concerning the Construction of the RSC(IERS) 88 C 01
Li Jinling, Jin Wenjing
1993, 0(4): 1-8.
Abstract PDF
Selection of the Pixel Size of the CCD to Be Used on the LLMC
Ji Kaifan, Mao Wei
1993, 0(4): 9-14.
Abstract PDF
Research on the Evolution of Binary Pulsar Systems from the Decay of Magnetic Energy at the Light Cylinder
Li Linsen
1993, 0(4): 15-21.
Abstract PDF
Experiments of the Differential Image Motion Method for Measureing the Seeing
Liu Zhong, Qiu Puzhang, Qiu Yaohui, Qian Ping
1993, 0(4): 22-30.
Abstract PDF
Progress in VLBI Recording Systems
Yang Xiaoning, Su Bumei, Wang Rui
1993, 0(4): 31-44.
Abstract PDF
Optimal Criteria of Image Restoration
Zeng Wenqing, Zhang Bairong
1993, 0(4): 37-52.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Image Quality
Zeng Wenqing, Yang Weimin
1993, 0(4): 45-36.
Abstract PDF
Data Conversion from the Thick CCD Spectra to the IRAF Image and FITS Format
Wu Guangjie
1993, 0(4): 53-58.
Abstract PDF
Evolution of the Calendar of the Hani Nationality
Li Weibao, Zhang Peizhi, Bai Zhue
1993, 0(4): 59-64.
Abstract PDF