Characteristics of the Coordinate Differences of Sources Between the Combined Catalogues of IERS and Related Individual ones
Li Jinling, Jin Wenjing, Li Jinzeng
1994, 0(3): 1-6.
Abstract PDF
Examination of the Combined Catalogues of IERS
Li Jinling, Jin Wenjing, Li Jinzeng
1994, 0(3): 7-15.
Abstract PDF
Recompilation of the Combined Extragalactic Radio Source Catalogues of IERS for Years from 1988 to 1992
Li Jinling, Jin Wenjing, Li Jinzeng
1994, 0(3): 16-28.
Abstract PDF
The Evolutional Characteristics of Magnetic and Velocity Fields in the Photosphere and Chromosphere and the Relation to the Large Flares in AR6659
Luo Baorong, Hou Shuming, Luan Di, Cao Ying
1994, 0(3): 29-41.
Abstract PDF
The Comparative Observation Using the Seeing Monitor and the Photographic Star Trail Method
Li Kaihua, Xie Guangzhong, Wang Jiancheng, Zhang Youhong, Wang Hanping, Li Xiaoming, Song Zhengfang
1994, 0(3): 42-47.
Abstract PDF
The New Control and Data Acquisition System for 3CS Microdensitometer
Qin Songnian, Gao Cai
1994, 0(3): 48-53.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of the Format and the TVGA Display of the TIFF Image File
Xing Shiying
1994, 0(3): 54-59.
Abstract PDF