On the Accretion Rates of Host AGN of H2O Masers
Wang Jin, Zhang Jiangshui, Guo Qian
2010, 7(3): 185-193.
Abstract PDF
Measurements of Lunar Brightness Temperatures at Multiple RadioBands Using a Radio Telescope
Zhao Pan, Su Yan, Zhang Xizhen, Li Chunlai
2010, 7(3): 194-206.
Abstract PDF
Design and Implementation of a Wide Dynamic Range Four-Channel AGC Circuit
Wang Jinqing, Wei Wenren, Li Bin, Zhao Rongbing
2010, 7(3): 207-213.
Abstract PDF
Progress of Testing of a VLBI Digital Baseband Converter
Luo Jintao, Chen Lan, Wu Yajun, Xiang Ying, Zhu Renjie, Yu Yun, Shu Fengchun, Hao Longfei, Zhang Xiuzhong
2010, 7(3): 214-221.
Abstract PDF
Error Analysis of GPS Positioning
Kang Silin, Li Yuqiang
2010, 7(3): 222-230.
Abstract PDF
Methods Accurately Locating Optical Positions of Space Object Based on CCD Stellar Images
Shen Zhao, Luo Cheng, Hua Weihong
2010, 7(3): 231-237.
Abstract PDF
On the Adjustment of the Polaraxis of an Equatorial Telescope
He Qiuhui, Kong Dali, Liu Daizhong
2010, 7(3): 238-246.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of the Image-Field Rotation in the Auto Guide System of the 1-meter Infrared Solar Telescope of the Yunnan Observatory
Deng Linhua, Xu Jun, Song Tengfei, Huang Shanjie, Xiang Yongyuan
2010, 7(3): 247-252.
Abstract PDF
An Exposure Time Calculator for the 2.4m Telescope of the Yunnan Observatory
Yi Weimin, Chen Dong, Wang Chuanjun
2010, 7(3): 253-260.
Abstract PDF
A Service System for Full-disk Hα Solar Observations in the Yunnan Observatory
Dai Shuo, Shen Chengcai, Li Qiongying, Zhao Shiqing, Lin Jun
2010, 7(3): 261-267.
Abstract PDF
Optimization of Cable Tensions of a Cable-Driven Parallel Manipulator for a Large Radio Telescope
Huang Liang, Zhu Wenbai, Tang Xiaoqiang, Yao Rui
2010, 7(3): 268-276.
Abstract PDF
Design of a Novel Cover of the Reflecting Schmidt Plate of the LAMOST
Zhou Guohua, Wang Hai, Yang Dehua
2010, 7(3): 277-282.
Abstract PDF