A Study of Correlations between Redshifts and Spin Energies of Black Holes in AGN
Zhang Xu, Zhang Xiong
2015, 12(3): 253-261.
Abstract PDF
Development of an IF-Signal Transmission and Distribution System for the 65m Telescope of the SAO
Yuan Jin, Gou Wei, Zhao Rongbing, Li Bin
2015, 12(3): 262-269.
Abstract PDF
An Experiment of VLBI Clock-Signal Distribution through Optical Fibers Based on Signal-Delay Measurement Using a Digital Correlator
Pei Xin, Chen Maozheng, Li Jian, Yan Hao
2015, 12(3): 270-276.
Abstract PDF
Measurements of the Sensitivities of the MUSER
Chen Linjie, Wang Wei, Yan Yihua, Geng Lihong, Chen Zhijun
2015, 12(3): 277-284.
Abstract PDF
The Improvement of a VLBI Monitoring System
Yang Wenjun, Zhao Rongbing, Nie Jun
2015, 12(3): 285-291.
Abstract PDF
A Study of Evaluation of Electromagnetic Radiation Levels of Electronic Devices Near a Radio Telescope
Liu Qi, Chen Maozheng, Li Ying, Zhang Quntao
2015, 12(3): 292-298.
Abstract PDF
Effects of Training Patterns on Predictions of Variations of Length Of Day Using an Extreme Learning Machine Neural Network
Lei Yu, Cai Hongbing, Zhao Danning
2015, 12(3): 299-305.
Abstract PDF
Studies and Simulations of Inversion Measurement of the Relative Permittivity of the Lunar Regolith Based on the Lunar Penetrating Radar of the Chang'E-3
Xing Shuguo, Su Yan
2015, 12(3): 306-311.
Abstract PDF
A Design of Improved Circuits of the Auxiliary Electronic System of a Hydrogen Maser
Li Xirui
2015, 12(3): 312-316.
Abstract PDF
Design and Implementation of Software for Operations of the Servo System of the 1.26m Infrared Telescope of the NAO
Ge Liang, Wang Jinhu, Lu Xiaomeng
2015, 12(3): 317-322.
Abstract PDF
A Synchronized Data Acquisition System in the Multi-Channel Observation System on the NVST of the YNAO
Li Yuyan, Chen Yuchao, Yang Lei, Liu Guangqian
2015, 12(3): 323-330.
Abstract PDF
Design and Implementation of a Prototype of the SVOM Science-Data Archive System
Wang Yuhan, Huang Maohai, Liu Feifei
2015, 12(3): 331-341.
Abstract PDF
A Design of an Imaging Control Software System Based on the RTS2 and EPICS
Zhang Guangyu, Liu Jiajing, Tang Pengyi, Jia Minghao, Chen Fan, Wang Jian
2015, 12(3): 342-348.
Abstract PDF
A Software Package for Data Calibration of Holographic Measurement Based on the Python
Tan Lingxia, Chen Maozheng, Pei Xin
2015, 12(3): 349-354.
Abstract PDF
A Review of Observations of Solar Winds and Solar Impact on Deep-Space Telecommunications Using Downlink Signals From Space Probes
Tang Yunqiu, Kong Deqing
2015, 12(3): 355-363.
Abstract PDF
A Study of Policies and Approaches of Open Access of Astronomical Observational Data
Wan Wanghui, Cui Chenzhou, Qiao Cuilan, Zhao Yongheng, Hao Jinxin, Xue Yanjie
2015, 12(3): 364-373.
Abstract PDF
A System for Automated Extraction of Astronomical English Terms
Yu Heng, Cui Chenzhou, Zhang Hui
2015, 12(3): 374-380.
Abstract PDF
Understanding the Geocentric Model from Illustrations in Popular-Science Books in China
Wu Guangjie
2015, 12(3): 381-384.
Abstract PDF