The Optimum Distribution of the Retroreflectors for the Determination of the Physical Libration of the Moon
Li Jinling, Nie Zhaoming, Jin Wenjing
1989, 0(3): 1-7.
Abstract PDF
Emergence Motion and Magnetic Reconnection of Photospheric Sunspots of AR5060
Zhang Bairong, Li Weibao, Luan Di, Li Qiongying
1989, 0(3): 8-13.
Abstract PDF
Preliminary Statistical Analysis of Fast Radio Bursts at 3 Wavelengthes Observed at Yunnan Observatory
Ma Yuan, Xie Ruixiang, Yang Kaiping
1989, 0(3): 14-18.
Abstract PDF
The Optical Observations of the Partial Solar Eclipse in Kunming
Li Qiongying, Li JiuKang, Ma kaiquan, Zhao Shiqing, Li Zhi, Wang Hongzhao
1989, 0(3): 19-24.
Abstract PDF
The Second Level Observation of the Partial Solar Eclipse at 1.42GHz
Hu Hanming, Lu Songquan, Gong Yuanfang, Shang Qiongzheng, Shi Shuobiao
1989, 0(3): 25-28.
Abstract PDF
Radio Observation of the Partial Solar Eclipse at 8.2cm Wavelength in Kunming on September 23, 1987
Ma Yuan, Ji Shuchen, Chen Guoqiang, Guo Wanhui
1989, 0(3): 29-34.
Abstract PDF
Radio Observation of the Partial Solar Eclipse at 10.6 cm Wavelength in Kunming on September 23, 1987
Ji Shuchen, Yang Kaiping, Xie Ruixiang, Xu Gun
1989, 0(3): 35-40.
Abstract PDF
Radio Observation of the Partial Solar Eclipse at 21.1 cm Wavelength in Kunming on September 23, 1987
Zhang Fan, Ji Shuchen, Zhao Risheng
1989, 0(3): 41-45.
Abstract PDF
Multi-Frequency Radio Observations of the Partial Solar Eclipse at Yunnan Observatory on September 23, 1987
Ji Shuchcn, Yang Rongbang, Xie Ruixiang
1989, 0(3): 46-53.
Abstract PDF
A Preliminary Report on the Trial Observation of the No.2 CCD of Yunnan Observatory
Zhang Wenyuan, Lu Ruwei, Xie Guangzhong, Li Guanghua, Li Zhili
1989, 0(3): 54-59.
Abstract PDF
The Application of the No.1 CCD System to the Coude Spectrograph at Yunnan Observatory
Qin Songnian, Gao Cai, Li Jian
1989, 0(3): 60-64.
Abstract PDF
Relationship of Stellar Rotation in a Spherical Rigid Body Model with Spectral Line FWHM
Wu Guangjie
1989, 0(3): 65-72.
Abstract PDF
Fast Record and Storage of Solar Images
Li Zhi
1989, 0(3): 73-80.
Abstract PDF
A Method for Obtaining Radio Images with High-Spatial Resolution by Using A Single Small Radio Telescope and the Test Results-The Application of DFT to Astronomy (Ⅱ)
Yang Weirain
1989, 0(3): 81-91.
Abstract PDF
Variational Magnetic Field in the Interplanetary Medium and Modulation for Cosmic-Ray Intensity
Ji Shuchen, Huang Zhankui, Xue Shunsheng
1989, 0(3): 92-93.
Abstract PDF