The Strongest Active Regions for Solar Cycle 22
Wu Mingchan, Zhang Qin
1995, 0(1): 1-12.
Abstract PDF
Comparison of Some Methods for the Spectral Analyses of the Active Objects at the Solar Disk
Li Kejun, Zhong Shuhua
1995, 0(1): 13-19.
Abstract PDF
The Optical Characteristics of the Solar White-Light Flare on Jan. 18,1989
Xuan Jiayu, Luan Ti, Wang Hongzhao
1995, 0(1): 20-31.
Abstract PDF
The Relationship Between the FR-I Type and the FR-II
Zhang Youhong, Xie Guangzhong, Liu Jiang
1995, 0(1): 32-41.
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Reconstruction of the Local Oscillator with the Solar Radio Telescope at 2000Mc Wavelengths
Chen Guoqiang
1995, 0(1): 42-46.
Abstract PDF
Development and Test of A Operation Gain Amplifier with the Solar Radio Telescope at 15cm Wavelengths
Chen Guoqiang, Cao Wenda, Yang Kaiping
1995, 0(1): 47-54.
Abstract PDF
The Status of the Graduate Students at Yunnan Observatory
1995, 0(1): 55-57.
Abstract PDF