The Application of Fractal and Chaos Theory in Solar Physics
Huan Zunxiang, Wu Mingchan
1996, 0(3): 1-14.
Abstract PDF
A Radio Microflare and the Magnetic Fields of Sunspots in ARs 7646 and 7647
Li Weibao, Wang Hongzhao
1996, 0(3): 15-20.
Abstract PDF
The Active Rhythm of Every Longitudinal Zone on the Sun Disk During the Rising Phase of Cycle 22
Zhang Guiqing, Wang Jialong
1996, 0(3): 21-28.
Abstract PDF
Calculation of Total-indexes of the X-ray Flares with Grade≥M1 in the 22nd Solar Cycle
Li Qiusha, Zhang Bairong
1996, 0(3): 29-39.
Abstract PDF
The Balance of the Current Filament in the Two Solar Active Regions
Zhang Xiaoyu
1996, 0(3): 40-46.
Abstract PDF
The Balance Altitude of the Filament Current Within A General Current Circuit
Li Kejun
1996, 0(3): 47-51.
Abstract PDF
Night Sky Brightness and it's Measurement
Hao Yunxiang, Zhang Baozhou
1996, 0(3): 52-55.
Abstract PDF
Determination of the Wavelenth Position in A Spectrum
Wu Guangjie
1996, 0(3): 56-64.
Abstract PDF
Development of A Broadband Microwave Power Transistor Amplifier for the Solar Radio Fast Recording System
Chen Guoqiang
1996, 0(3): 65-69.
Abstract PDF
The Development of the Time-Keeping Clock With TS-1 Single Chip Microcomputer
Zhou Jiguang, Li Yongan
1996, 0(3): 70-74.
Abstract PDF