The Heavy-nuclide Abundances of the Intrinsic and Extrinsic Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars
Zhang Bo, Liu Junhong, Peng Qiuhe
1998, 0(2): 2-8.
Abstract PDF
Prel iminary Analysis of HαProfile for SN1996w
Zhao Dingfeng
1998, 0(2): 9-15.
Abstract PDF
The CCD System for Receiving and Processing the High-Resolution Solar Photospheric Images at Yunnan Observatory
Li Zhikai, Li Zhi
1998, 0(2): 16-22.
Abstract PDF
The Measurement of Scattering Light of the Solar Spectrum Telescope
Li Rufeng, Zhang Xiaoyu, Chen Xuekun
1998, 0(2): 23-26.
Abstract PDF
Observation and Analysis of the type Ⅲ Solar Radio Burst at Metric Wavelengths
Ma Yuan
1998, 0(2): 27-33.
Abstract PDF
An Analysis of the Pole Offset Series in EOP(GSFC) 96 R 01
Li Jinling, Zheng Dawei, Wang Guangli
1998, 0(2): 34-45.
Abstract PDF
Discussion on the Appl ication of Atmospheric Model J77 to the Orbit Determinaton of the Satellite Ajisai
Jiang Hu
1998, 0(2): 46-50.
Abstract PDF
High Accurate Time System of the Low Latitude Meridian Circle
Yang Jing, Wang Feng, Li Zhiming
1998, 0(2): 51-56.
Abstract PDF
The Software for Observational Data Checking of the Lower Latitude Meridian Circle
Li Zhiming, Yang Jing, Wang Feng
1998, 0(2): 57-62.
Abstract PDF
The Data Processing for the Photoelectric Locating System of the Transit
Wang Feng, Zhang Yuncheng
1998, 0(2): 63-67.
Abstract PDF
International Astronomical Remote Present Observation on IRC
Ji Kaifan, Cao Wenda, Song Qian
1998, 0(2): 68-72.
Abstract PDF
The Test of the DALSA CA-D7-1024T CCD Camera
Song Qian, Liu Weiwei, Ji Kaifan, Cao Wenda
1998, 0(2): 73-78.
Abstract PDF
The Nonl inear Acceleration Regularity of the Large Seism During Seismic Active Period and the Trend Prediction of Large Seism for Future Three Years in Yunnan
Luo Baorong
1998, 0(2): 79-85.
Abstract PDF