Gaomeigu Site and 2m Class Telescope Project
Chen Dong, Wang Jian-cheng, Xu Jun, Luo Guo-quan, Tan Hui-song, Liu Zhong, Zhang Bai-rong
2003, 0(S1): 1-7.
Abstract PDF
Ultraluminous IRAS Galaxies and AGN
Xia Xiao-yang
2003, 0(S1): 8-14.
Abstract PDF
Mid-Infrared Diagnostic Diagrams and the Starburst-AGN Connection
Eckhard Sturm
2003, 0(S1): 15-19.
Abstract PDF
Spectroscopic Properties of QSOs Selected from Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxy Samples
Zheng Xian-zhong, Xia Xiao-yang
2003, 0(S1): 20-24.
Abstract PDF
Optical Observations of "cold" Seyfert 2 Galaxies
Fan Yi, Wei Jian-yan
2003, 0(S1): 25-31.
Abstract PDF
Structure and Kinematics of Emission Line Regions in AGN
Wolfram Kollatschny
2003, 0(S1): 32-41.
Abstract PDF
A Spectral Analysis of 155 Seyfert 1 Type AGN
Xu Da-wei, Stefanie Komossa, Wei Jian-yan, Qian Yi, Zheng Xian-zhong
2003, 0(S1): 42-45.
Abstract PDF
Associated Far-Ultraviolet Absorption Lines in the Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy Markarian 478
Yuan Qi-rong, Richard F. Green, Micheal Brotherton, Gerard A. Kriss
2003, 0(S1): 46-50.
Abstract PDF
The instability study of a hot two-temperature accretion disk with advection
Ding Shi-xue
2003, 0(S1): 51-55.
Abstract PDF
X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy of (radio-quiet) AGN:Highlights from Chandra and XMM-Newton
Stefanie Komossa
2003, 0(S1): 56-68.
Abstract PDF
The Chandra Observations of the Flat Spectrum Source NGC 526A
Li Cheng, Xue Sui-jian, Cheng Fu-zhen
2003, 0(S1): 69-73.
Abstract PDF
Properties of Optical and X-ray Selected AGN-Probing the Unified Model of AGN
Karsten Bischoff
2003, 0(S1): 74-77.
Abstract PDF
Iron KαLine Emission in Active Galactic Nuclei
Wang Ting-gui, Wang Jun-xian
2003, 0(S1): 78-85.
Abstract PDF
XMM-Newton Observations of MCG-6-30-15
J. Wilms, C. S. Reynolds, R. Staubert, E. Kendziorra, M. C. Begelman
2003, 0(S1): 86-90.
Abstract PDF
Radio Jets in AGNs
Jiang Dong-rong, Cao Xin-wu, Hong Xiao-yu
2003, 0(S1): 91-97.
Abstract PDF
The Core and Extended Spectral Indices of Extragalatic Radio Sources
Zhang Jiang-shui, Lin Rui-guang, Fan Jun-hui
2003, 0(S1): 98-102.
Abstract PDF
Ratio of the Jet to the Unbeamed Luminosities for Blazars
Peng Zhi-min, Zhang Jiang-shui, Fan Jun-hui
2003, 0(S1): 103-106.
Abstract PDF
Variability in Blazars
Xie Guang-zhong
2003, 0(S1): 107-116.
Abstract PDF
The BL Lac Object PKS 0537-441: A Lens or Being Lensed?
Jochen Heidt, Klaus Jger, Kari Nilsson, Ulrich Hopp, Josef W. Fried, Eckhard Sutorius
2003, 0(S1): 117-120.
Abstract PDF
AGN:The Gamma-Ray Status after CGRO
Werner Collmar
2003, 0(S1): 121-125.
Abstract PDF
MeV Properties of the γ-ray Blazars PKS1622-297, 3C454.3 and CTA102
Zhang Shu, Werner Collmar, Volker Schönfelder
2003, 0(S1): 126-130.
Abstract PDF
Different Types of Accretion Flows Around Massive Black Holes in BL Lac Objects
Cao Xin-wu
2003, 0(S1): 131-135.
Abstract PDF
The X-ray Background (Deep Fields, Luminosity Functions and Type-Ⅱ Quasars)
Günther Hasinger
2003, 0(S1): 136-146.
Abstract PDF
How to Build the Engine of and to Provide the Fuel for Quasars
Wolfgang J. Duschl
2003, 0(S1): 147-150.
Abstract PDF
Metal Poor Accretion in the Early Universe
Michael Mayer
2003, 0(S1): 151-154.
Abstract PDF
The Multiwavelength View on Active Galacti Nuclei:Outlook for the Future
Cheng Fu-zhen
2003, 0(S1): 155-158.
Abstract PDF