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Statistical Analyses of the Type Ⅲ Bursts and CMEs During the 23rd Solar Cycle
MA Yuan, WANG De-yu, YAN Yi-hua
2006, 3(4): 321-327.
Abstract PDF
Research on CSS 1150+497(4C49.22) in the Radio Band
WANG Bao-tian, ZHANG Hai-yan
2006, 3(4): 328-333.
Abstract PDF
A Softwave Development for the State Control and Data Colltion of S&X Band Cryogenic Receiver
HAO Long-fei, XU Chun, WANG Feng
2006, 3(4): 334-344.
Abstract PDF
Real-time Image-Processing System with Correlation Tracking
LIN Jia-ben, DENG Yuan-yong, Hu Ke-liang, AI Guo-xiang
2006, 3(4): 345-354.
Abstract PDF
Construction of the SkyNode System for Chinese Virtual Observatory
LIU Bo, CUI Chen-zhou, ZHAO Yong-heng
2006, 3(4): 355-364.
Abstract PDF
Stiffness Calculation and Application of Spline-ball Bearing
GU Bo-zhong, ZHOU Yu-ming, YANG De-hua
2006, 3(4): 365-372.
Abstract PDF
Astronomical IRFPA Image Collecting System Based on the NiosⅡ Soft-core Embedded Processor
QIU Zhi-qiang, DENG Jian, YE Bin-xun
2006, 3(4): 373-379.
Abstract PDF
A 2K×2K Astronomical High-speed CMOS Camera and Its Test Result
LI Dan, SHANG Yuan-yuan, SONG Qian
2006, 3(4): 380-386.
Abstract PDF
An Imaging System Based on EMCCD from TI
DUAN Wei, ZHAO Zhao-wang
2006, 3(4): 387-393.
Abstract PDF
Preliminary System Design of the Remote Observing System for 2.4 m Telescope
CHEN Dong, WEI Ka-ning, CHEN Jun-yi, XU Jun
2006, 3(4): 394-400.
Abstract PDF
Adjustment and Analysis of the 40m Antenna Surface
JIN Wang, WANG Min, ZHANG Ju-yong, ZHAO Hui, ZHANG Ping, SONG Jun-feng, XU-Chun
2006, 3(4): 401-407.
Abstract PDF
Polarization Observation of White Light Corona during the Total Solar Eclipse on 2006 March 29
XU Zhi, ZHANG Shu-xin, Sin Sun Ae, Pak Hye yong
2006, 3(4): 408-413.
Abstract PDF
Analysis for "A Crow on the Sun"
LI Wei-bao
2006, 3(4): 414-418.
Abstract PDF