Development of a Software for the Astronomical Observation of the 40m Model of the FAST
Guan Hao, Sun Caihong
2011, 8(4): 323-328.
Abstract PDF
Eavluating Systematic Electromagnetic Compatibility for VLBI Station
Liu Qi
2011, 8(4): 329-333.
Abstract PDF
A Measurement Method of Lengths and Phases of Transmission Optical Fibers for the CSRH
Zhang Yuecheng, Liu Rongjun, Ma Yupei, Xu Xiangqian, Wang Wei, Ji Guoshu
2011, 8(4): 334-337.
Abstract PDF
A Study of a Scheme of Analog Receiver for a Centimeter-Band Radioheliograph
Wu Lifeng, Zhang Yuecheng, Liu Rongjun, Ma Yupei, Huang Congxi
2011, 8(4): 338-342.
Abstract PDF
Research of Photometric Calibration of Geosynchronous- Orbit (GEO) Space Debris
Zhuang Chen, Sui Chenghua, Tang Yijun
2011, 8(4): 343-346.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of Evolution of Orbits of GEO Satellites Near End of Life Based on the STK Software
Ma Lihua, Jing Yaoxiang, Ji Haifu, Zhang Lirong
2011, 8(4): 347-353.
Abstract PDF
Method for Determining Whether a Point is in a Spherical Polygon and Its Application
Huang Yue, Chen Li, Lu Yu
2011, 8(4): 354-357.
Abstract PDF
Simulations of Debris Distributions in Specific Space Regions
Jiang Hu, Wang Xiaoya
2011, 8(4): 358-362.
Abstract PDF
A Study on Camera-Link-Based High-Speed CCD Image Acquisition Techniques
Cheng Zuqiao, Deng Hui, Wang Feng, Liang Bo, Ji Kaifan, Wang Chuanjun, Xu Jun
2011, 8(4): 363-368.
Abstract PDF
Detection of Piston Errors in Wavefront Sensing Using a Genetic- Algorithm Based Phase Diversity Method
Cao Fang, Zhao Jiyong, Wu Zhen
2011, 8(4): 369-373.
Abstract PDF
Algorithm of Dwell Time of Stepwise Elimination for Ion-Beam Polishing
Guo Weiyuan, Cheng Xiankai, Bai Hua
2011, 8(4): 374-379.
Abstract PDF
A VHDL Design of Digital System for an Interline-Transfer CCD
He Lin, Li Binhua, Shang Yuanyuan, Jin Jianhui
2011, 8(4): 380-387.
Abstract PDF
Design and Application of a Fractional Delay Compensation Algorithm
Jiang Wu, Shu Fengchun
2011, 8(4): 388-394.
Abstract PDF
Research of Architecture of the Chinese Space Science Virtual Observatory
Fu Yanjie, Zou Ziming, Tong Jizhou
2011, 8(4): 395-402.
Abstract PDF
A Study of Scientific Workflow Technology and Its Application in Astronomical Research
Guan Yu, Deng Hui, Wang Feng, Ji Kaifan
2011, 8(4): 403-409.
Abstract PDF
An Application of the DAOPHOT Package in the IRAF
Zhang Yan, Lin Zhong, Guo Difu
2011, 8(4): 410-416.
Abstract PDF
Textual Research about the Division of Geological Areas Represented by the Twenty-Eight Lunar Mansions in the Ancient China and the Meaning of "Zhenxiu"
Li Weibao, Chen Jiujin
2011, 8(4): 417-420.
Abstract PDF