An Analysis of the Periods of the Radio Light Curves of the Blazar 3C 446
Guo Fei, Zhang Xiong, Bi Xiongwei
2013, 10(4): 329-332.
Abstract PDF
Interactions of a Solar Coronal Wave with Solar Coronal Structures
Zhao Li, Liang Hongfei
2013, 10(4): 333-340.
Abstract PDF
Observations of GRBs by the FERMI Satellite and the Challenge to Theoretical Models
Lin Yiqing
2013, 10(4): 341-351.
Abstract PDF
A Pulsar Observation System with a Mark 5B Recording System and a DSPSR Software
Xu Yonghua, Luo Jintao, Li Zhixuan, Hao Longfei, Wang Min, Dong Jiang
2013, 10(4): 352-358.
Abstract PDF
Expermental Observations of Space Debris Integrating Laser Ranging and Optical Direction Measurement
Yu Yong, Li Yan, Mao Yindun, Cao Jianjun, Tang Zhenghong, Zhang Zhongping
2013, 10(4): 359-364.
Abstract PDF
An Analysis of the Random-Group Data Format and a Design of the Data File Structure for a Solar Radio Heliograph
Gao Jiaojiao, Wang Feng, Dai Wei, Ji Kaifan, Deng Hui, Liu Donghao, Wang Wei
2013, 10(4): 365-371.
Abstract PDF
A Study of Remote Access Techniques for An RTS2 Autonomous Observation Software System Based on the XML-RPC
Ran Fanhui, Deng Hui, Liang Bo, Wang Feng, Wei Shoulin, Ji Kaifan
2013, 10(4): 372-377.
Abstract PDF
Design and Development of a TCS Sequencer for the YNAO 2.4m Telescope
Wang Chuanjun, Fan Yufeng, Yi Weimin
2013, 10(4): 378-385.
Abstract PDF
An Automatic CCD Observation System Based on the ASCOM Standard
He Shousheng, Fan Yufeng, Wang Chuanjun
2013, 10(4): 386-391.
Abstract PDF
Design of the an Automatic Observation System for Full-Disk Solar Magnetograms in the HSOS
Lin Jiaben, Shen Yangbin, Zhu Xiaoming, Deng Yuanyong, Zeng Zhen
2013, 10(4): 392-396.
Abstract PDF
A Review of Particle Filters
Lv Dechao, Fan Jiangtao, Han Gangweng, Ma Guangyi
2013, 10(4): 397-409.
Abstract PDF
Effects of a Local Atmospheric Temperature Gradient on Optical Measurement for the Active Control of a Segmented-Ring Telescope
Yuan Shu
2013, 10(4): 410-415.
Abstract PDF
Removal of Interference Fringes in Images from the YNAO 2.4m Telescope and the Impacts on Photometry
Zheng Zhongjie, Peng Qingyu
2013, 10(4): 416-419.
Abstract PDF
The Transformation of the Control System of the YNAO Solar Chromosphere Telescope
Tao Zhi, Chen Weimin, Zhu Qingsheng, Zhou Xiaojun, Cheng Zhong
2013, 10(4): 420-426.
Abstract PDF