The Peak Energy Distribution of the νFν Spectra Obtained by Different Satellites
Lin Yiqing
2016, 13(3): 273-276.
Abstract PDF
The Impact of Magnetic Radiation Braking Torque on the Secular Retardation of Spin of Two-Components of Pulsar
Li Linsen
2016, 13(3): 277-283.
Abstract PDF
Mitigation of the Radio Frequency Interference Using an Adaptive Side-Lobe Cancellation Based on Accurate Delay Compensation
Huang Da, Wang Zhuang, Cheng Zhu, Dong Liang, Su Yao
2016, 13(3): 284-292.
Abstract PDF
Measuring and Analysis of the Phase Pattern of MUSER
Su Cang, Wang Wei, Yan Yihua, Du Jing
2016, 13(3): 293-299.
Abstract PDF
A Review of Lunar Polar Exploration
Wang Yaming, Su Yan, Feng Jianqing, Dai Shun, Xing Shuguo, Xiao Yuan, Ding Chunyu
2016, 13(3): 300-309.
Abstract PDF
Studies of Penetrating Depth of the Time Domain Pulse Radar Based on Correlation Coefficient Method
Xing Shuguo, Su Yan, Feng Jianqing, Dai Shun, Xiao Yuan
2016, 13(3): 310-317.
Abstract PDF
A New Method of Data Fusion——the Generalized Fusion Method
Wei Yanfei, Geng Jianping, Shi Huli, Li Jingjing, Li Lin, Xu Xikun
2016, 13(3): 318-325.
Abstract PDF
A Study into Laser Pulse's Impact on the Precision and Accuracy of the Diffuse Laser Ranging System
Zhai Dongsheng, Tang Rufeng, Li Zhulian, Li Yuqiang, Xiong Yaoheng
2016, 13(3): 326-332.
Abstract PDF
Application of an Improved Frame Difference Method in Space Moving Target Detection
Wang Enwang, Wang Enda
2016, 13(3): 333-339.
Abstract PDF
Kunming Satellite Orbit Determination Station for Chinese Area Position System (CAPS)
Zhang Jianhua, Chen Liang
2016, 13(3): 340-344.
Abstract PDF
Identification and Tracking of Coronal Loop Oscillation Using Phase Congruency and Directional Filter
Feng Song, Wang Yang, Zhao Yan, Yuan Quan, Yang Yunfei, Deng Hui, Wang Feng
2016, 13(3): 345-350.
Abstract PDF
Frequency Extraction and Degraded Image Synthesis for Golay3 Type Optical Sparse-Aperture Systems
Bai Jing, Jiang Aimin, Dai Yanfeng
2016, 13(3): 351-357.
Abstract PDF
Application of Binocular Stereo Display Technology in Three-Dimensional Visualization of the Moon
Gao Xingye, Liu Jianjun, Ren Xin, Mu Lingli, Li Chunlai
2016, 13(3): 358-365.
Abstract PDF
The Fault Diagnosis Expert System of Mini-GWAC
Fu Xia'nan, Huang Lei, Wei Jianyan
2016, 13(3): 366-372.
Abstract PDF
A Pre-research on GWAC Massive Catalog Data Storage and Processing System
Wan Meng, Wu Chao, Ying Zhang, Xu Yang, Wei Jianyan
2016, 13(3): 373-381.
Abstract PDF
Residuals and Analysis of Geometric Distortion Correction of CCD Images Based on Geometric Distortion Pattern
Fu Xiaqing, Peng Qingyu, Feng Jie
2016, 13(3): 382-388.
Abstract PDF