Survey of Stellar Atmosphere Parameter Estimation
Yuan Hailong, Zhang Yanxia, Zhang Haotong, Zhao Yongheng
2018, 15(3): 257-265.
Abstract PDF
Experimental Research on a Fast and Precision Localization on the Astrophysical Gamma-Ray Sources
Tang Qingwen
2018, 15(3): 266-270.
Abstract PDF
Study on Detection and Direction-Finding Method of Space Object Based on Tianlai Radio Array
Li Jiawei, Gao Pengqi, Shen Ming, Jin Wang, Zhao You
2018, 15(3): 271-278.
Abstract PDF
Study of K band Bandpass Filters Using Dual-Mode Loop of Tian Ma Telescope
Chen Li, Li Bin
2018, 15(3): 279-284.
Abstract PDF
A CLEAN Algorithm Based on Multi-Scale Bandpass Filter and Its GPU Implemention
Mei Ying, Deng Hui, Zhang Xiaoli, Wang Feng, Chen Tengda
2018, 15(3): 285-291.
Abstract PDF
Multi-Objective and Fast Satellite Selection Method Based on the NSGA-II Algorithm
Xu Xiaojun, Ma Lihua, Ai Guoxiang
2018, 15(3): 292-301.
Abstract PDF
A Least Squares Extrapolation Model for UT1-UTC Prediction Method with Consideration of the Edge-effect
Lei Yu, Zhao Danning, Cai Hongbing
2018, 15(3): 302-307.
Abstract PDF
The Design of Communication Framework for a New Generation of Telescope Autonomous Control System Based on ZeroMQ
Deng Hui, Zhong Wenjie, Fu Yingxue, Wang Feng, Wei Shoulin
2018, 15(3): 308-314.
Abstract PDF
The Movement and Control Realization of NVST Polarization Observation System
Qin Ying, Peng Jianguo, Zhang Tao, Hou Junfeng, Gu Bozhong, Xu Jun
2018, 15(3): 315-322.
Abstract PDF
The Design of a Programmable Thermostatic Filter Wheel Box Based on STM32
Xu Yiling, Zhang Hongfei, Jiang Fengxin, Chen Jinting, Chen Yaqi, Jia Minghao, Dong Shucheng, Chen Jie, Yang Chenwei, Wang Jian
2018, 15(3): 323-331.
Abstract PDF
Taurus High Performance Computing System of Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory
Zhang Hailong, Ye Xinchen, Wang Jie, Nie Jun, Chen Longfei, Tohtonur, Cui Chenzhou, Li Changhua, Zhu Yan, Zhang Meng
2018, 15(3): 332-339.
Abstract PDF
A Detection Method for Sunspots Based on Convolutional Neural Network LeNet-5
Fu Xiaona, Liao Chengwu, Bai Xianyong, Liang Bo, Feng Song, Yang Hongjuan, Yang Yunfei
2018, 15(3): 340-346.
Abstract PDF
Design and Test of a Bellow-Based Pneumatic Force Actuator
Wang Zhenglan, Yang Dehua, Wu Changcheng, Jin Zhenyu
2018, 15(3): 347-353.
Abstract PDF
High Resolution Solar Image Reconstruction with K-T Algorithm Based on MPI-CUDA
Yang Qiuping, Song Zhenqi, Deng Hui, Wang Feng
2018, 15(3): 354-360.
Abstract PDF
The Study of the Data Storage and Retrieval for the Massive Data of MUSER Based on Cassandra
Shi Yue, Wang Feng, Li Pengcheng, Liu Yingbo
2018, 15(3): 361-368.
Abstract PDF
Co-Phasing Detection and Control Method Base on Broadband Spectrum Fringe Contrast for Fizeau Optical Interferometric Telescope
Wang Bei, Chen Xinyang, Zheng Lixin, Li Kexin, Yan Zhaojun
2018, 15(3): 369-374.
Abstract PDF