Rising Infrared Astronomy
Gong Shumo
1981, 0(2): 1-6.
Abstract PDF
A Forecast of the Trend of Solar Activity of the Descending Branch of Cycle 21
Luo Baorong
1981, 0(2): 7-12.
Abstract PDF
The Photoelectric Photometer Attached to the I M Telescope
Yang Yulan, Liu Qingyao, Wang Bi, Lu Li
1981, 0(2): 13-19.
Abstract PDF
The Development and Adjustment of a Blackbody for the Near Infrared Photometer
Qi Xiaohua, Chen Peisheng
1981, 0(2): 20-23.
Abstract PDF
The Performance Test of the 1-3 Micron Infrared Photometer
Chen Peisheng, Zhang Yun, Qi Xiaohua, Kao Heng
1981, 0(2): 24-30.
Abstract PDF
Test Observations of the 1-3 Mioron Infrared Photometer
Kao Heng, Chen Peisheng, Zhang Yun, Qi Xiaohua
1981, 0(2): 31-34.
Abstract PDF
A Method of Determining the Parameters of the Opticai System for the SBG Camera and the Results
Chen Minkang
1981, 0(2): 35-39.
Abstract PDF
The Magnitude Measuring System of the Cassegrain Focus Camera of 1 MR. C. C. Telescope
Bao Menxie, Deng Liwu, Wu Xiufang, Chui Helin, Chen Biao
1981, 0(2): 40-44.
Abstract PDF
Brief Introduction of the Coudé Spectrograph of Yunnan Observatory
Qin Songnian, Lu Ruwei
1981, 0(2): 45-56.
Abstract PDF
The Determination of the Original Point of a Catalogue
Zhou Zizhong, Hu Hui
1981, 0(2): 57-71.
Abstract PDF
The Classification of Solar Microwave Burst
Zhou Aihua, Yu Xingfeng, Xu Fuying
1981, 0(2): 72-77.
Abstract PDF