Astrophysical Developments Referring to Radioastronomy
Fang Lizhi
1988, 0(4): 1-5.
Abstract PDF
The International VLBI Projects and Their Impact on the Development of Radioastronomical Instrumentation and Techniques
Wu Huaiwei
1988, 0(4): 6-16.
Abstract PDF
Developping Nancay Radioheliograph
Ji Shuchen
1988, 0(4): 17-23.
Abstract PDF
Approach on A New Radio Method for th Fast Recording Equipment
Xu Zhichai
1988, 0(4): 24-26.
Abstract PDF
Three Data Reduction Methods for Synthesis Telescope Observations
Yang Yipei
1988, 0(4): 27-32.
Abstract PDF
Astronomical Review of High Time-resolution Radio Observational Techniques
Fan Ying, Gap. Zhengmin, Hup Caiping
1988, 0(4): 33-35.
Abstract PDF
A Brief Introduction of Synchronous Solar Radio Observation System With High Time Resolution at Three Wavelengths
Xie Ruixiang, Yang Kaiping
1988, 0(4): 36-42.
Abstract PDF
The Astronomical Background and Scheme of Making a Digital Radiospectrometer with High Speed and Large Capasity
Xia Zhiguo, Chen Jingying
1988, 0(4): 43-47.
Abstract PDF
Parameter Measurements for the 20m Antenna by Means of Radio Astronomical Methods
Xu Peiyuan, Jin Peiyu, Yao Chuanliang, Xia Zhongyi, Wang Jianyi, He Lida
1988, 0(4): 48-54.
Abstract PDF
A Programmable Control System for Small Radiotelescope Dishes
Hu Chumin, Gao Feng, Jin shengzhen
1988, 0(4): 55-58.
Abstract PDF
Software of the Small Dish Control System
Gao Feng
1988, 0(4): 59-64.
Abstract PDF
Digital Signal Processing Technique and Its Applications
Yang Li
1988, 0(4): 65-70.
Abstract PDF
Development in Digital Image Processing Technology
Mo Yulong
1988, 0(4): 71-79.
Abstract PDF
Verifying the Straka's Filtering Formula of the Observing Data in Radio Astronomy
Mo Yulong, Ji Zhongshu
1988, 0(4): 80-85.
Abstract PDF
A Computing Method for Restoring the Linear Degradation Image Model
Li Renxiang
1988, 0(4): 86-92.
Abstract PDF
Investigating the Human Body by Means of Radio Instruments
Zhao Meina, Guo Congliang
1988, 0(4): 93-99.
Abstract PDF
Observational Subjects and Scheme of the ZÔ-SÈ 25-Meter Antenna for Solar Annular Eclipse on September 23,1987
Ji Shuchen, Ji Desheng, Liang Shiguang
1988, 0(4): 100-105.
Abstract PDF