The Primary Results of Research on Solar Oscillations by Using Magnetic Field Telescope
Zhang Heng, Cao Ying
1991, 0(2): 1-9.
Abstract PDF
Flaring Arch in AR5533 on 15 June, 1989
Luan Di, Li Zhikai, Kong Yongjin
1991, 0(2): 10-13.
Abstract PDF
The Continuous Emission Spectrum of the Flare of 1989 July 5
Zhong Shuhua, Cheng Xuekun, Luo Zhi
1991, 0(2): 14-18.
Abstract PDF
A Discussion of the Formula in the Calculation of the Column Density at Second Level of Hydrogen Atoms
Li Kejun
1991, 0(2): 19-23.
Abstract PDF
Two Feeds with Single Common Antenna Operating at 15 and 21 cm Wavelengths
Chen Guoqian, Xie Ruixiang, Wang Congyun
1991, 0(2): 24-27.
Abstract PDF
A Modified Observational Software System for Multi-Waveband Solar Spectrograph
Chen Jingying, Feng Yongraing
1991, 0(2): 28-34.
Abstract PDF
Gravitational Effect of the Celestial Object with Electrical Charge or Magnetic Charge
Fan Junhui, Xie Guangzhong, Wang Yongjiu, Tang Zhiming
1991, 0(2): 35-40.
Abstract PDF
Several Problems in Preliminary Processing of CCD Raw Images
Wu Guangjie
1991, 0(2): 41-45.
Abstract PDF
Optimum-Processing for the Noise in A Low Light Level Readout Image from CCDs
Wu Junqin, Ye Binxun
1991, 0(2): 46-51.
Abstract PDF
The Analysis of the Pointing and Tracking Accuracies of the 10m Radio Telescope
Du Hong, Su Bumci
1991, 0(2): 52-60.
Abstract PDF
The Catalogue of Geodetical Stars Observed at Yunnan Observatory
Hu Hui, Cai Xin, Chen Cuixian, Wang Rui, Liao Yuanxiang, Zhang Zhiyuan
1991, 0(2): 61-80.
Abstract PDF
A Model of Quasi-Open Magnetic Field Line Region
Ji Shuchen
1991, 0(2): 81-83.
Abstract PDF