The Interior Gravitational Field of the Star Cluster With A Massive Black Hole at Its Center
Fan Junhui, Wu Junqin, Xic Guangzllong
1992, 0(1): 1-5.
Abstract PDF
The Polytropic Exponents of the Physical Model of Four Binary Systems
Li Linsen
1992, 0(1): 6-10.
Abstract PDF
A Proposal for the Seeing Measurement of the Site Testing
Tan Huisong
1992, 0(1): 11-14.
Abstract PDF
The Spectral Characteristics of the No.2 Thin CCD of the Yunnan Observatory
Qin Songnian, Gao Cai
1992, 0(1): 15-19.
Abstract PDF
Five-Minute Oscillations in the Solar Continuum
Zhang Heng
1992, 0(1): 20-35.
Abstract PDF
Morphological Evolution and Motion of the Photospheric Sunspot Group in AR 5312
Hong Qinfang, Wang Hongzhao, Li Weibao
1992, 0(1): 36-41.
Abstract PDF
Characteristics of the Magnetic Field of the Active Region of the Flare of 1989 July 5
Zhong Shuhua, Luo Zhi, Xuan Jiayu, Lin Jun
1992, 0(1): 42-46.
Abstract PDF
Exploration of the Variation in the Source Function With in A Loop Prominence by Means of the Simplex Method
Li Kejun
1992, 0(1): 47-54.
Abstract PDF
Radio Burst at 245 MHz and the Forecast of Solar Activities
Xia Zhiguo, Chen Jingying
1992, 0(1): 55-62.
Abstract PDF
Surface Map of the Array of the Two-dimensional Data
Wu Guangjie
1992, 0(1): 63-68.
Abstract PDF
Development of A Reflection Dish Antenna of the Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic
Du Hong, Yang Kaiping
1992, 0(1): 69-72.
Abstract PDF