A Semi-Numerical Expansion of Mutivariate Periodic Function
Bai Jinming, Nie Zhaoming
1993, 0(2): 1-7.
Abstract PDF
A Method for Determining the Errors Caused When the Lower Latitude Meridian Circle is Put in Different Directions
Fan Yu, Li Zhiming, Mao Wei
1993, 0(2): 8-14.
Abstract PDF
Effect of the Abnormal Propagation Conditions on the LF Signals
Chen Xiaojuan
1993, 0(2): 15-19.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of the Line Spectrum of A Prominence by Means of the Dimension Descending Method
Li Kejun, Bai Jinming
1993, 0(2): 20-25.
Abstract PDF
Notes on the Making of the Characteristic Curve of An SSHG Plate
Li Kejun, Zhong Shuhua
1993, 0(2): 26-31.
Abstract PDF
A Device for the Elimination of Interfernce Fringes and the Correctiong to Flat Fields on the Coude CCD Spectragraph System
Qing Songnian, Gao Cai, Li Rufeng
1993, 0(2): 32-38.
Abstract PDF
Models and Statistical Characteristics of the Noise in Images
Zeng Wenqing, Yang Weimin, Zhang Bairong
1993, 0(2): 39-46.
Abstract PDF
Mutiple Linear Regression Based on the Poisson Distribution
Wu Guangjie
1993, 0(2): 47-53.
Abstract PDF
Two Problems on the Principle of the Measurement of Seeing by Using the Differential Image Motion Method
Liu Zhong, Qiu Yaohui, Qian Ping
1993, 0(2): 54-60.
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