Orbital Eccentricity Distribution in Binary Systems
Pan Kaike
1998, 0(1): 3-8.
Abstract PDF
Observational Data Reduction of the Stellar Photoelectric Photometry
Gu Shenghong
1998, 0(1): 9-17.
Abstract PDF
The Longitude Distribution of Newly-Emerged Sunspots
Li Weibao
1998, 0(1): 18-25.
Abstract PDF
Satellite Sunspots and High-energy Flares in Solar Active Regions
Hong Qinfang
1998, 0(1): 26-34.
Abstract PDF
The Microwave Ultra-Fast Absorption Phenomenon
Chen Xiaojuan, Ji Shuchen
1998, 0(1): 35-42.
Abstract PDF
The Longitude Distribution of Solar Radio Fast Fine Structures
Wang Min, Xie Ruixiang
1998, 0(1): 43-48.
Abstract PDF
The Morphological Analysis of Solar Fast Activities at Decimeter Waveband
Hu Hanming, Gong Yuanfang, Shang Qongzheng, Lu Songquan, Li Yongsheng
1998, 0(1): 49-54.
Abstract PDF
Linear Reticon Status Collection System of the Low Latitude Meridian Circle
Wang Feng, Yang Jing, Li Zhiming
1998, 0(1): 55-60.
Abstract PDF
The New Speckle Image Detection System of Yunnan Observatory
Lu Ruwei, Wang Feng, Lou Ke, Qiu Yaohui, Liu Zhong
1998, 0(1): 61-66.
Abstract PDF
Recoating of Reflection Reducing Film and the Exploitation for the Photographic Lenses
Zhong Shuhua, Zhang Xiaoyu, Chen Xuekun
1998, 0(1): 67-71.
Abstract PDF
Astronomical Factors and Activity Tendency of the Major Earthquake in China
Hu Hui, Li Xiaoming
1998, 0(1): 72-75.
Abstract PDF
Diagnoses of the Stratif ication of Vector Magnetic fields in the Solar Atmosphere
Qu Zhongquan
1998, 0(1): 76-77.
Abstract PDF
1.2m Satell ite Laser Ranging System and It's Noise-restraint
Zhang Xuejun
1998, 0(1): 78-78.
Abstract PDF
The three-Subaperture Seeing Monitor at Yunnan Observatory
Xu Jun
1998, 0(1): 79-80.
Abstract PDF
Parameters of Random Atmosphere and its Measurement
Liu Zhong
1998, 0(1): 81-81.
Abstract PDF