A New Method for Obtaining the Gravitational Field in the Accelerated System
Wu Shengmiao
1998, 0(3): 3-6.
Abstract PDF
New Progress in the Study of Some Properties of BLLac Objects
Zhang Xiong, Xie Guangzhong, Bai Jinming, Li Kaihua, Fan Junhui
1998, 0(3): 7-17.
Abstract PDF
The Time Distribution of X-ray Flares with Imp≥M1.0 in the Maximum Period of the 22nd Solar Cycle
Li Qiusha
1998, 0(3): 18-21.
Abstract PDF
Twelve Radio Bursts and Their Radiation Mechanisms
Ji Shuchen
1998, 0(3): 22-27.
Abstract PDF
Fast Pulsative Phenomena in Solar Microwave Burst
Wang Min, Xie Ruixiang
1998, 0(3): 28-33.
Abstract PDF
The Observation of Radio Fast Processes During the PartialSolar Eclipse on Marth 9,1997 in Kunming
Xie Ruixiang, Wang Min, Yang Kaiping
1998, 0(3): 34-41.
Abstract PDF
Determination of Optical Positions of Radio Sources 0851+202,1228+126 and 1749+701
Tang Zhenghong, Wang Shuhe, Jin Wenjing
1998, 0(3): 42-45.
Abstract PDF
Current Situation of the Positional Determination for the Major Planets
Peng Qingyu
1998, 0(3): 46-52.
Abstract PDF
Image Examination of Comet Hale-Bopp and α Gem
Li Qiusha, Zhang Bairong, Wang Feng
1998, 0(3): 53-56.
Abstract PDF
A Test of the Polarization Analyzer Mounted on the Solar Spectral Telescope at Yunnan Observatory
Zhong Shuhua, Gu Xiaoma, Zhang Xiaoyu, Cheng Xuekun
1998, 0(3): 57-63.
Abstract PDF
Several Problems of Totem
Li Haiying, Li Weibao
1998, 0(3): 64-69.
Abstract PDF