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Correlation Between Flux Emergence and Solar Surface Activity Phenomenon
LI li, ZHANG Hong-qi
2006, 3(1): 1-12.
Abstract PDF
Important Trait and Application of Time-frequency to Traceable Source Link
NI Guang-ren, XU Lu-ping, HE Kang-yuan
2006, 3(1): 13-20.
Abstract PDF
Observational Accuracy Analysis of Space Debris
LI Yu-qiang, XIONG Yao-heng
2006, 3(1): 21-27.
Abstract PDF
Two Way Satellite Time Transfer
ZHOU Yu, XIONG Yao-heng
2006, 3(1): 28-34.
Abstract PDF
Proposal for a Real 3D Solar Spectrum Telescope
QU Zhong-quan, XU Jun, MAO Wei-jun, ZHANG Xiao-yu, XU Cheng-lin, SUN Ming-guo, JIN Chun-lan, WANG Shuai
2006, 3(1): 35-47.
Abstract PDF
The Study of Applying Socket Communication Technology to Implement the Control Programs of Supervisory Node in AACAS
LIU Yun-long, ZHAO Zhao-wang
2006, 3(1): 48-55.
Abstract PDF
The Database Design of LAMOST Based on MYSQL/LINUX
LI Hui-xian, SANG Jian, WANG Sha, LUO A-li
2006, 3(1): 56-63.
Abstract PDF
Introduction to the 30m Ringy Interferometric Telescope
LIU Zhong, JIN Zhen-yu, LIN Jing, LI Yan, XU Jun
2006, 3(1): 64-72.
Abstract PDF
Determination of the Instrument Profile of the Solar Spectrum Telescope
LI Ru-feng, CHEN Xue-kun, ZHANG Xiao-yu
2006, 3(1): 73-76.
Abstract PDF
Astronomical Background of Global Huge Earthquakes
HU Hui, HAN Yan-ben
2006, 3(1): 77-84.
Abstract PDF
The Trace to the Sources of Three Important Festivals for the Hani Nationality
LI Wei-bao, BAO Meng-xian
2006, 3(1): 85-90.
Abstract PDF