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Statistics of Effective Temperatures and Spectral Types of Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor(CEMP)Stars in the SDSS-DR7
WANG Feng-fei, LUO A-Li, ZHANG Jian-nan, LIU Chao, ZHAO Yong-heng
2009, 6(3): 167-174.
Abstract PDF
Correlation between the Cycles of Solar Activities and the Flood Occurrences in the Poyang Lake
ZHAN La-sheng, YUAN Wen-liang, MIN Qian, LI Cui-yun
2009, 6(3): 175-180.
Abstract PDF
The Application of an Improved Genetic Algorithm to the Initial Wavelength Calibration
XUE Xu-lei, YE Zhong-fu
2009, 6(3): 181-190.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of the Load Performance of ADC in a Digital Baseband Converter for VLBI
CHEN Lan, LUO Jin-tao, ZHU Ren-jie, ZHANG Xiu-zhong
2009, 6(3): 191-197.
Abstract PDF
A New High-Speed FFT Algorithm for Analyzing Solar Radio Spectra
CHEN Lin-jie, YAN Yi-hua, LIU Fei, CHANG Huan
2009, 6(3): 198-202233.
Abstract PDF
Search of the Methods for Calibrating the Single-Antenna Tracking/Pointing and Baselines of Pairs of Antennas
DOU Yu-jiang, Dale Gary, YAN Yi-hua, WANG Wei, LIU Fei, CHEN Zhi-jun, JI Guo-shu
2009, 6(3): 202-208.
Abstract PDF
Choices of Antennas for the CSRH-I
JI Guo-shu, WANG Wei, LIU Fei, DOU Yu-jiang, CHEN Lin-jie, LIU Dong-hao, CHEN Zhi-jun, YAN Yi-hua
2009, 6(3): 209-214.
Abstract PDF
The Adjustment Methods of the Optical Systems of "Level Mounting" Schmidt Telescopes
LI De-pei
2009, 6(3): 215-219.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of the Characteristics of Optical-Fiber Image Slicers
LI Li-bing, ZHU Yong-tian, HU Zhong-wen
2009, 6(3): 220-227.
Abstract PDF
A Control Scheme for the Parallel Robot Used as the Supporting Mechanism of an Astronomical Telescope
XU Shu-gan, WANG Hai
2009, 6(3): 228-233.
Abstract PDF
Statistics of Astronomical Observing Conditions at the Xinlong Station Based on the Observing Logs from 1999 to 2008
ZHANG Wei, ZHOU Xu, JIANG Zhao-ji, MA Jun, WU Jiang-hua, WU Zhen-yu, LI Qi-sheng
2009, 6(3): 234-240.
Abstract PDF
The Probabilities of Perception of Human Eyesin the Visual Observation of Meteors
WU Guang-jie
2009, 6(3): 241-250.
Abstract PDF
Commemoration of the Founding of the Observatoryat the Phenix Mountain in Kunming at Its 70th Anniversary
LI Wei-bao
2009, 6(3): 251-256.
Abstract PDF