The Spontaneous Broken Symmetry and Acoustic Speed in The Neutron Stars
Xie Guangzhong
1982, 0(1): 1-7.
Abstract PDF
The Hα-Spectrum-Spectroheliographic Observations of the Flare Loop Prominence on 1981 April 27
Gu Xiaoma, Li Boshu, Ding Youji, Li Suchuan, Li Zhi
1982, 0(1): 8-14.
Abstract PDF
The Variations in the Period of the UZ Leo
Liu Qingyao, Yang Yulan, Zhang Jitong
1982, 0(1): 15-18.
Abstract PDF
Researches on the Variations in the Period of the Binary R Cma
Liu Qingyao, Yang Yulan, Zhang Jitong
1982, 0(1): 19-24.
Abstract PDF
A Note on the Identification and Use of the Ancient Sunspot Records in Chinese History
Li Weibao
1982, 0(1): 25-29.
Abstract PDF
The Improvements of the Measuring Method of the Flare Data Obtained at Yunnan Observatory
Li Zhi
1982, 0(1): 30-34.
Abstract PDF
The Adjustment of the Main Optical Components of the Coude Spectrograph Attached to the 1-M Telescope at Yunnan Observatory
Tan Huisong
1982, 0(1): 35-39.
Abstract PDF
The Calculation of Some Parameters in Common Use for the Coudé Spectrograph
Tan Huisong
1982, 0(1): 40-47.
Abstract PDF
The Values of the Wavelengths from 3400Å to 4300Å of the Spectral Lines Produced by a Fe-Ar Hollow-Cathode Lamp Made in G. D. R.
Qing Songnian, Gao Cai, Yu Mm
1982, 0(1): 48-49.
Abstract PDF
The improved Calibration System of the Solar Radio Telescope at 9375 MHz and Its Indoor Control Device
Ji Shuchen, Yang Rongbang
1982, 0(1): 50-56.
Abstract PDF
The Design and Adjustment of the Wire Rope Driver Making the Movable Window of an Astrodome Made of Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic Slide and Open Back and Forth
Leng Shengquan, Lu Ruining
1982, 0(1): 57-64.
Abstract PDF
The Development of the Digital Identification Circuit of TV Field Line Pulses
Zhou Jiguang
1982, 0(1): 65-69.
Abstract PDF
A Double Colour Index Diagram for the 273 Brightest Infrared Sources in the CRL Catalogues
Yang Jing
1982, 0(1): 70-80.
Abstract PDF
A Computation Formula for the Satellite Atmospheric Drag Coefficient
Xia Canying
1982, 0(1): 81-91.
Abstract PDF
The Brief Introduction to Transient X-Ray Sources
Mi Guozhu
1982, 0(1): 92-99.
Abstract PDF