26cm High-Resolution Vaccum Solar Photospheric and Chromospheric Telescope at the Yunnan Observatory
Wu Mingchan, Li Zhikai, Li Zhi, Liu Zizhong, Luan Di
1990, 0(3): 1-11.
Abstract PDF
Morphology and Evolutionary Characteristics of the Active Region AR 5278 in 1988
Hong Qinfang
1990, 0(3): 12-16.
Abstract PDF
Characteristics of the Spectra of the Flare and Its Ejection of 1989 May 8
Zhong Shuhua, Xuan Jiayu, Luo Zhi, Lin Jun, Cheng Xuekun, Ye Huilian
1990, 0(3): 17-20.
Abstract PDF
Hα Observations of the Loop Prominence Systems of An M4 Flare in AR5744
Ma Kaiquan, Zhao Shiqing
1990, 0(3): 21-23.
Abstract PDF
A Method for Measuring the Luminosity of the Solar Halo
Li Qiusha, Zhang Bairong
1990, 0(3): 24-27.
Abstract PDF
Fast Finectures Structures Associated with Type Ⅳ Radio Bursts
Ji Shuchcn, Huang Zhankui
1990, 0(3): 28-36.
Abstract PDF
Analyses of the Accuracy and Error of the Stellar Photometry with A CCD System——A Method of Astronomical Measurements with CCDs(Ⅰ)
Yang Weimin
1990, 0(3): 37-43.
Abstract PDF
Spatial Resolution of the Measurement of the Location of A Star Carried out by Means of the Gravity Center Method When A CCD Is Used During the Observation and the Effects of the Flat Correction, Sky Background and Noise——A Method of Astronomical Measurements with CCDs(Ⅱ)
Yang Weimin
1990, 0(3): 44-52.
Abstract PDF
Spectra of γ-ray Bursts and Abnormal Neutron Stars
Li Guanghua, Xi Guangzhong
1990, 0(3): 53-60.
Abstract PDF
Orbital Radius of the Test Particles in the Equatorial Plane of the CM Field
Fan Junhui, Xie Guangzhong, Wang Yongjiu
1990, 0(3): 61-65.
Abstract PDF
Distribution of the Quasars in A Large Scale Space
Jia Guibin, Ma Huaiyu, Fang Xiaowu, Qin Xuefen, Leng Shengquan
1990, 0(3): 66-73.
Abstract PDF
Public Employment of the 1-m Telescope at the Yunnan Observatory for Ten Years
Tan Huisong, Zhang Wenyuan, Zhao Zhaowang
1990, 0(3): 74-78.
Abstract PDF
Application of Hartmann Diaphragm to A Digital Photoelectric Spectrograph
Qin Songnian, Gao Cai
1990, 0(3): 79-82.
Abstract PDF
A TFJ Data Acquisition System of Time and Frequency for Satellites
He Miaochan, Yang Jing, Liu Zhongwen
1990, 0(3): 83-87.
Abstract PDF
Preliminary Exploration of the Traditional New Year of the Zhuang Nationality of China
Li Weibao, Chen Jiujin
1990, 0(3): 88-91.
Abstract PDF
Software for Microcomputer-Managed Scientific Articles
Hao Zhuliang, Jiang Shihua
1990, 0(3): 92-96.
Abstract PDF
Einstein Rotating Disc Metric and Kerr Metric
Fan Junhui, Xic Guangzhong
1990, 0(3): 97-98.
Abstract PDF
The Spike-like Structure in A Solare Microwave Burst on May 21,1990
Ji Shuchen, Xie Ruixiang, Wang Min, Chen Guoqiang
1990, 0(3): 99-100.
Abstract PDF