Evolution Characteristics of the Fine-Structure of AR4811 and the Associated Flare Activity
Li Zhikai, Li Zhi, Wu Mingchan, Luau Di
1991, 0(1): 1-6.
Abstract PDF
Asymmetrical Field of the Hα Profile of the Post-Flare Loop System of 1984 February 18 and the Total Radiation
Li Qiusa, Ciu Xiaoma
1991, 0(1): 7-14.
Abstract PDF
Some Features of the Solar Activities During the Rising Phase of Cycle 22
Hong Qinfang
1991, 0(1): 15-20.
Abstract PDF
A Method for the Automatic Observation of Solar Active Regions and the Programming
Yang Xiaoning, Li Zhi
1991, 0(1): 21-28.
Abstract PDF
Test Observation of the Solar Radio Fast Synchronous Observation System at Four Wavelengths and Its Significance
Xie Ruixiang, Chen Guoqiang, Wang Congyun
1991, 0(1): 29-39.
Abstract PDF
Scaling Posture of the Antenna of A Solar Radio Telescope and the Design of the Control Program
Yang Kaiping
1991, 0(1): 40-44.
Abstract PDF
A Thick CCD Spectral Observation System at the Yunnan Observatory
Zhao Zhaowang, Xu Jun, Tan Huisong
1991, 0(1): 45-52.
Abstract PDF
Design and Accomplishment of the Software for the Control System of the 1.2-m Horizontal Telescope
Wang Wu, Wang Jinsuo, Jiang Chongguo
1991, 0(1): 53-60.
Abstract PDF
A CCD Detector Attached to the Lower Latitude Meridian Circle——(Ⅰ)The Observational Principle
Mao Wei, Li Zhiming, Hu Xiaochun, Zhang Jing, Peng Qingyu
1991, 0(1): 61-67.
Abstract PDF
A CCD Detector Attached to the Lower Latitude Meridian Circle——(Ⅱ) The Determination and Related Correction of A Few Constants of the Detector
Zhang Jing, Peng Qingyu, Li Zhiming, Hu Xiaochun, Mao Wei
1991, 0(1): 68-76.
Abstract PDF
A CCD Detector Attached to the Lower Latitude Meridian Circle——(Ⅲ) Several Correction for the Spherical Astronomy
Hu Xiaochun, Li Zhiming, Zhang Jing, Peng Qingyu, Mao Wei
1991, 0(1): 77-86.
Abstract PDF
A CCD Detector Attached to the Lower Latitude Meridian Circle——(Ⅳ) The Possibility of Obtaining Highly Accurate Location of A Star with the LLMC
Li Zhiming, Hu Xiaochun, Peng Qingyu, Zhang Jing, Mao Wei
1991, 0(1): 87-93.
Abstract PDF
Test for the Method for Correcting the Atmospheric Seeing and the Diffraction Limit of A Telescope by Means of the 2-dimensional DFT Deconvolution——The Application of DFT to Astronomy(Ⅰ)
Yang Weimin, Zhang Bairong
1991, 0(1): 94-100.
Abstract PDF