Abundance Distributions of the Heavy Element in Metal-poor Stars HD 203608 and HD 211998
Zhang Bo, Zhang Caixia, Li Ji
1999, 0(1): 1-4.
Abstract PDF
Investigation of the Dependence of the Epidemic Diseases in Yunnan Provinces on the Relative Number of Sunspot
Li Kejun, Li Jun, Jin Hui, Zhan Lasheng
1999, 0(1): 5-9.
Abstract PDF
Time Profiles of the Microwave Millisecond Spikes
Wang Min, Xie Ruixiang
1999, 0(1): 10-17.
Abstract PDF
Characteristics of the Optical Morphology, Magnetic Field and Velocity Field Accompanied With the Radio Bursts at the Metric Wavelength in AR6659 Region
Ma Yuan, Luo Baorong
1999, 0(1): 18-26.
Abstract PDF
The Performance Measurement and Improvement of the Speckle Image Detecting System in Yunnan Observatory
Lu Ruwei, Liu Zhong, Lou Ke, Qiu Yaohui
1999, 0(1): 27-31.
Abstract PDF
PI 1024TKB CCD UBVRI Photometric System of the 100cm Telescope at Yunnan Observatory
Yang Yulan, Li Lifang
1999, 0(1): 32-35.
Abstract PDF
The Statistical Analysis of Vapor Content at Gaomeigu and Fenghuangshan
Luan Di, Shang Qiongzhen, Yu Jianming
1999, 0(1): 36-41.
Abstract PDF
The Seeing Variation in Night at the Gaomeigu Station
Liu Zizhong, Luan Di, Yu Jianming, Ma Kaiquan, Long Kang, Zhang Zhousheng
1999, 0(1): 42-50.
Abstract PDF
The Statistical Analysis of the Vapor Content in Atmosphere Within One Year at Yunnan Observatory
Shang Qiongzhen, Luan Di, Li Jingqian, Qian Tonglin, Li Yulan
1999, 0(1): 51-54.
Abstract PDF
The Relationship Between Strong Earthquakes, Lunar Phase, Inclination Between the Moon's Path and the Equator at Yunnan Province
Wu Mingchan, Hu Hui
1999, 0(1): 55-61.
Abstract PDF
Theory of Solar P-mode Oscillation
Bi Shaolan
1999, 0(1): 62-63.
Abstract PDF
The Luminosity Function of Quasars
Qin Yiping
1999, 0(1): 63-64.
Abstract PDF
Determination of the Positions for the outer Planets with a High Precision Feasibil ity and Test
Peng Qingyu
1999, 0(1): 64-65.
Abstract PDF
Study on Nonlinear Problems in Astrophysics-Light Variabilityof Active Galactic Nuclei and Local Approximation of Gravity
He Jin
1999, 0(1): 65-66.
Abstract PDF
Multi-frequency Observation and Theoretical Study for Blazar Objects
Zhang Xiong
1999, 0(1): 67-67.
Abstract PDF
Theoretical Studies of the Folding Structures of mRNAs and the Biological Functions in Eukaryotes
Zhang Jing
1999, 0(1): 68-69.
Abstract PDF
The Precision Test for the 1.2m Telescope Surface Applied to Adaptive Optics System
Zhang Chen
1999, 0(1): 69-70.
Abstract PDF