Grating Form of the Micrometer of A Low-Latitude Meridian Circle (Ⅱ)
Wang Likun, Fan Yu, Mao Wei
1987, 0(2): 1-6.
Abstract PDF
Determination of the Irregularity of the Pivot of the Horizontal Axle of A Meridian Circle by Means of An Axle Collimator
Fan Yu, Wang Likun, Mao Wei
1987, 0(2): 7-12.
Abstract PDF
Estimation of the Accuracy of Measuring the Position of A Stellar Image by Means of An Array Device
Rong Weixing
1987, 0(2): 13-16.
Abstract PDF
The Analysis of Short Wave time Receiving Data
Chen Xiaojuan
1987, 0(2): 17-20.
Abstract PDF
The Stabiliey of the Time Delay of Short Wave Transmission And Its Adopted Value
Chen xiaojuan
1987, 0(2): 21-24.
Abstract PDF
The Statistical Analysis of the Geomagnetic Disturbing Index Ap With Some Solar Activities
Zhang Qin
1987, 0(2): 25-30.
Abstract PDF
A Prediction of the Major Proton Event for the First Time in Cycle 22
Zhang Qin
1987, 0(2): 31-33.
Abstract PDF
The Preliminary Discussion of Measuring Accuracy of Sunspot Magnetic Fields in Yunnan Observatory
Luan Ti
1987, 0(2): 34-40.
Abstract PDF
An Analysis of A Large Flare, on the Solar Disc of 1984 February 25
Ye Huilian, Li Qiongying, Xuan Jiayu
1987, 0(2): 41-46.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of Correlation Between the Total Radiation Fluxes at 2902MHz, 3653MHz And 9375MHz And the Solar Constant in 1980
Ma Yuan
1987, 0(2): 47-50.
Abstract PDF
Observations of Binaries Σ73, Σ346AB and Kui23 by the Speckle Technique
Qiu Yaohui, Lu Ruining, Qian Ping
1987, 0(2): 51-54.
Abstract PDF
The Properties of the Variation in Luminosity of NGC4051
Xie Guangzhong, Zhou Yuan, Hau Pengjiu, Lu Ruwei, Liu Xinde, Cheng Fuzhen
1987, 0(2): 55-62.
Abstract PDF
The Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect Under the Condition of the 1-5μm IR-Background And the Determination of the Hubble Constant H0 And of the Density And Temperature of the Thermal Electrons in A Rich Galactic Cluster
Wang Jiancheng, Wu Jianxin
1987, 0(2): 63-68.
Abstract PDF
Statistics of the Temperature With Changes of the Cassegrain Focus
Liu Xinde
1987, 0(2): 69-70.
Abstract PDF
Application of An Acousto-Optical TeO2 Deflector in Radio Astronomy
Wang Jingsheng
1987, 0(2): 71-77.
Abstract PDF
Test Observation of the 21-cm Wavelength Continuous Radiation of Halley's Comet
Shang Qiongzheng, Lu Sougquan, Gong Yufang, Hu Hanming, Shi Shltobiao, Wang Jingsheng
1987, 0(2): 78-82.
Abstract PDF
The Control Circuit of the Telescope for the Observation of Halley's Comet
Liu Zizhong
1987, 0(2): 83-86.
Abstract PDF
The Prediction of the Four-Axis-Tracking for Halley's Comet
Wang Jinsuo
1987, 0(2): 87-89.
Abstract PDF
Report of Site Selection for A Millimeter Wave Radio Astronomical Station
Li Weihua, Hu Hanming, Chen Guoqiang, Shang Qiongzhen
1987, 0(2): 90-98.
Abstract PDF
Report on the Cleaning of the Primary Mirror of the 1-m RCC Telescope
Li Jingqian
1987, 0(2): 99-99.
Abstract PDF
Experiment of the Dust Removal of the Surface of A Reflecting Aluminium Coating
Li Jian
1987, 0(2): 100-100.
Abstract PDF
On the Cause of the Use of the Chinese Calender for Long Years and the Necessity of the Beginning to Use the Solar Calender After the Revolution of 1911 (Abridgement)
Chen Zhanyun
1987, 0(2): 101-107.
Abstract PDF
Progress in Infrared Astronomy
Chen Peisheng
1987, 0(2): 108-120.
Abstract PDF